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发布时间:2023-09-27 21:43:02

[单项选择]China’s()cultural heritage should be better protected through increased efforts to preserve endangered art.
A. inalienable
B. intangible
C. intelligible
D. indivisible

更多"China’s()cultural heritage should b"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Intangible cultural heritage generally refers to immaterial aspects of culture—ephemeral products like stories and language itself, as well as to the beliefs, values, and forms of knowledge and skill give cultures their vitality. This heritage can, for example, include wedding dances and funeral laments, artisans’ skills and orally conveyed knowledge of farming. You might find its traces in a museum—plants used by a traditional healer, for example—but it is mostly the living, oral tradition of a people.
Scholars have long recognized the intangibility of culture. In the 18th and 19th century’s philologists, folklorists and others tried to document the world’s oral traditions. Yet the term "intangible cultural heritage" is relatively recent. In 1950, Japan initiated a living national treasures program to recognize the great skills of masters of the traditional arts. In the West, meanwhile, jurists recognized the idea of intellectual property and defined copyright and patent. In the
A. An ancient temple for religious ceremonies.
B. A rare manuscript of fanning.
C. A ritual dance from the ancient times.
D. An antique from the Song Dynasty.
[简答题]The destruction of these cultural heritage was a loss for mankind that ____________(多少金钱都无法弥补).

[单项选择]You should know better than ( ) your little sister at home by herself.
A. to leave
B. leaving
C. to have left
D. left
[单项选择]You should know better than ()your little sister at home by herself.
A. to leave
B. leaving
C. to have left
D. left
[简答题]We all know that we should take better care of ourselves, relax more, and have more fun at work (and elsewhere, as well) , but it’s easy to overlook the opportunities to do just that be cause of the daily work priorities that consume our lives. Here are some ideas for learning to take action in your work life.
[单项选择]A) He should try a better and convenient way. B) He should give up looking for the book.
C) He should ask the librarian for help. D) He should try the shelves downstairs.
[填空题]To better protect your laptop, you should not poke it with a ______.

[填空题]What should we do in order to take better notes
We should only write ().
[填空题]You should know better than ____________________ (去冒赌博这种风险的).

[单项选择]A. It’s better to wait. B. They should go on.
C. She doesn’t agree with the man. D. She has no idea about it.
[填空题]Most old-growth forests that are outside of protected parks and ______ have been harvested.
[单项选择]In the United States, the main argument for protection of domestic industry is that foreign competition costs Americans their jobs. When we buy Japanese cars, U.S. cars go (1) . This leads to a (2) in the domestic auto industry. When we buy German steel, steelworkers in the nor them part of America (3) their jobs. It is true that when we buy goods from foreign producers, domestic producers in the U.S. (4) .
But there is no reason to believe that the workers thrown out of employment in the contracting sectors will not find jobs in other expanding sectors. Foreign (5) in textiles, for example, has (6) thousands of workers out of work in New England. (7) with the expansion of new industries, the unemployment rate in this area (8) one of the lowest in the country in the mid-1980s. (9) time the United States lost its advantage in textiles (10) countries with larger unskilled labor (11)
A. retrain
B. maintain
C. restrain
D. restart


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