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发布时间:2023-09-27 18:03:54

A—Spring begins. B—the rains
C—insects awaken D—vernal equinox
E—clear and bright F—grain rain
G—Summer begins. H—grain buds
I—grain in ear J—summer solstice
K—slight heat L—great heat
M—Autumn begins. N—stopping the heat
O—white dews P—autumn equinox
Q—cold dews R—hoar-frost falls
S—Winter begins. T—light snow
U—heavy snow V—winter solstice
W—slight cold X—great cold
立夏 ( )大寒

更多"A—Spring begins."的相关试题:

A—Spring begins. B—the rains
C—insects awaken D—vernal equinox
E—clear and bright F—grain rain
G—Summer begins. H—grain buds
I—grain in ear J—summer solstice
K—slight heat L—great heat
M—Autumn begins. N—stopping the heat
O—white dews P—autumn equinox
Q—cold dews R—hoar-frost falls
S—Winter begins. T—light snow
U—heavy snow V—winter solstice
W—slight cold X—great cold
立春 ( )小暑
[填空题]Silent Spring contained so much carefully collected scientific evidence that it was widely acclaimed as a significant book when it came out in the early 1960s.
[单项选择]Text 2
Every spring migrating salmon return to British Columbia’s rivers to spawn. And every spring new reports detail fresh disasters that befall them. This year is no different; The fisheries committee of Canada’s House of Commons and a former chief justice of British Columbia, Bryan Williams, have just. examined separately why 1.3 m sockeye salmon mysteriously "disappeared" from the famed Fraser river fishery in 2004. Their conclusions point to a politically explosive conflict between the survival of salmon and the rights of First Nations, as Canadians call Indians.
In 2004, only about 524, 000 salmon are thought to have returned to the spawning grounds, barely more than a quarter the number who made it four years earlier. High water temperatures may have killed many. The House of Commons also lambasted the federal Department of Fisherie
A. responding to two previous reports
B. proposing a new quota system for fishing licences
C. consulting natives, commercial and sport fishermen
D. keeping a balance between conservation, enforcement and fisheries
[单项选择]Around the Spring Festival, a prevailing practice is to exchange greetings and visits.( )
A. prevalent
B. populous
C. preceding
D. present
[单项选择]Which statement is NOT true about its spring
A. Spring usually begins towards the end of March.
B. Plentiful wind makes some outdoor activities possible.
C. Nighttime temperatures dip below 50 degrees.
D. It is a time when you can enjoy flowers in bloom.
[单项选择]Every spring migrating salmon return to British Columbia’s rivers to spawn. And every spring new reports detail fresh disasters that befall them. This year is no different. The fisheries committee of Canada’ s House of Commons and a former chief justice of British Columbia, Bryan Williams, have just examined separately why 1. 3 m sockeye salmon mysteriously "disappeared" from the famed Fraser river fishery in 2004. Their conclusions point to a politically explosive conflict between the survival of salmon and the rights of First Nations, as Canadians call Indians.
In 2004, only about 524,000 salmon are thought to have returned to the spawning grounds, barely more than a quarter the number who made it four years earlier. High water temperatures may have killed many. The House of Commons also lambasted the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) for poor scientific data, and for failing to enforce catch levels. Four similar reports since 1992 have called for the departmen
A. salmon’s return to spawn and its survival
B. The fisheries committee of Canada’s House of Commons and Bryan Williams
C. the struggle between sockeye salmon and human beings
D. the collision between salmon’s survival and human fishery
[填空题]A—spring begins B—the rains
C—insects awaken D—vernal equinox
E—clear and bright F—grain rain
G—summer begins H—grain fills
I—grain in ear J—summer solstice
K—slight heat L—great heat
M—autumn begins N—stopping the heat
O—white dews p—autumn equinox
Q—cold dews R—hoarfrost falls
S—winter begins T—light snow
U—heavy snow V—winter solstice
W—slight cold X—great cold

______谷雨 ______大雪


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