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发布时间:2023-10-21 18:19:10

[填空题]German ornithologists proved that birds have a______guiding their navigatory behavior though some biologists argued that it was impossible for birds to sense the weak magnetic force of the Earth.

更多"German ornithologists proved that b"的相关试题:

[填空题]German ornithologists proved that birds have a______guiding their navigatory behavior though some biologists argued that it was impossible for birds to sense the weak magnetic force of the Earth.
[单项选择]Such birds have never been heard ______ at night.

A. to be sung
B. are singing
C. to sing
D. sing
[填空题]It is proved that monkeys have the ability to combine and to generalize the sign language.

[单项选择]The facts have proved that they all have the () of solving practical problems.
A. capability
B. ability
C. capacity
D. power
[填空题]Antibiotics have been proved not effective in preventing against viruses.
[填空题]Birds with avian flu often have a mortality rate approaching 100%.
[单项选择]German have lawmakers voted to extend and expand the role of German peacekeepers in ________.
A. Kosovo
B. Sorbia
C. Germany
D. Montenegro
[单项选择]Scientists and experts have proved that the pattern of a human being's finger skin ______.

[填空题]Among all the GM crops, Bt genes have proved most effective in ______ when the largest reduction in pesticide use has been reported.

[单项选择]Tests have proved that caffeine affects the body by increasing the heart rate and rhythm, which ( ) affects the circulatory system.
A. in turn
B. in return
C. turn back
D. as a result
[单项选择]A) He and Andrea have proved to be a perfect match.
B) He changed his mind about marriage unexpectedly.
C) He declared that he would remain single all his life.
D) He would marry Andrea even without meetin8 her.
[单项选择]Studies have proved that smart people tend to be smart across different kinds of realms.( )
A. realities
B. fields
C. occupations
D. courses
[填空题]Studies have proved that insects do not ______.

[单项选择]Birds that breed on high cliffs have pear-shaped eggs that roll in a tight circle, making them() less likely to roll off the cliff.
A. somewhere
B. sometimes
C. something
D. somewhat


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