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发布时间:2023-10-17 14:47:22

[填空题]You’d better open a savings account at the bank near the university.

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W: Do you have a savings account at the bank
M: I used to.but recently I withdrew all the money.

What happened to the man’s money ()
A. He gambled it away.
B. He took it out of the bank.
C. He had it with him.
D. He lost his money.

M: I’d like to open a savings account please.
W: All right. Please fill out the forms and sign your name on the line.

Where does the conversation most likely take place ()
A. At a hotel.
B. At an airport.
C. At a restaurant.
D. At a bank.

M: I’d like to open a savings account, please.
W: All right, please fill out the forms and sign your name on the line.

Where does the conversation most likely take place ()
A. At a hotel.
B. At an airport.
C. At a restaurant.
D. At a bank.
[填空题]A—savings account B—checking account
C—banking service D—safe deposit box
E—marriage certificate F—automatic teller machine
G—charge interest H—loan from the bank
I—individual loans J—withdraw money
K—deposit money L—shares of stock
M—special law N—issue a dividend
O—stockbroker P—fill the order
Q—own shares

( ) 拥有股份 ( ) 股票经纪人
[单项选择]$ 2000 is deposited into a savings account that earns interest at the rate of 10 percent per year, compounded semiannually. How much money will there be in the account at the end of one year ?()
A. $2105
B. $2200
C. $2205
D. $2400
E. $2600

You may have seen this when you tried to open a new bank or credit card account and you were presented with some multiple choice questions asking you to verify where you got your ()or car loan.

A. complication
B. revenue
C. mortgage
D. chasm
[单项选择]You probably know that it"s better for both you and the environment if you buy an organic tomato instead of one that"s been doused in pesticides, but there are lots of other things to consider before venturing down the aisle of your local supermarket (or farmer"s market). The explosion in 1 product and other foods during the last few years has been an extremely 2 development in the food industry. However, 3 till exists about exactly what the organic 4 means. Do you know the difference between a cereal that"s "organic", "100% organic", and "made with organic 5 " The USDA has clearly defined standards that 6 which of those labels can legally go on your raisin bran. You can learn more about them at www. usda. gov. Organic foods are great, but the jury is still very much out 7 another new development in the food world: genetically 8 organisms (GMOs). No one knows for certain the short and 9 effects of these products of gene engineering, 10 there"s a chance they could lead to the 11 creation of "superweeds" or 12 with natural plant stocks, for more information on GMOs, we recommend visiting www. saynotogmos. org. 13 you"re shopping, don"t forget to consider the companies behind the 14 names. One cereal company might be an environmental champion, 15 the other manufactures its corn flakes via 16 environmental practices. An easy way to compare two companies is to use 17 such as www. responsibleshopper. com. They present both the good and bad sides of every company they 18 , and they grade hundreds of companies on social, ethical and environmental issues. Remember: 19 conscious shopping is a powerful tool for effecting change. You can make a difference every time you fill your 20 cart.
A. unconditional
B. unexceptional
C. unintentional
D. uncontroversial


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