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发布时间:2024-06-02 21:35:00

[填空题]__________(据估计到2010年), the population of the world will have reached 7 billion.

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[填空题]______ (据估计到2010年), the population of the world will have reached 7 billion.

[单项选择]As the population of the world increases and human needs expand, we must take care not to()all of our natural resources at once.
A. furnish
B. maximize
C. minimize
D. exhaust
[简答题]China has the greatest population in the world and a large pool of research workers, yet it has not produced a single Nobel Prize winner so far. What has caused this situation in your opinion State your opinion in about 160 words, and write it on the answer sheet.
[单项选择]The population of the world is growing at a dangerous ______.
A. step
B. measure
C. rate
D. progress
[填空题]As the population of the world keeps on growing, it gets more and more difficult to feed everyone. The United States is one of the lucky countries because it grows enough food for itself and still has enough to export to other parts of the world. One reason for this is that the United States is a large country with a variety of climates. Most of the central part of the country is especially suitable for raising grain. Wheat and corn are the most important crops in the region. The United States exports millions of tons of grain every year. Wheat is used to make bread, a basic food throughout the world. Most of the corn is used to feed animals, which in turn become food themselves.
The southeastern part of the United States has a warm, damp climate. It grows cotton, rice and sugar. Florida specializes in fruits and vegetables. It is famous for its orange, lemons and grape. Florida has warm weather all year round, so it can provide vegetables for the rest of the country in the middle o
[填空题]China has (large)()population in the world.
[填空题]The greater the population in the world, ______(消耗的食物就越多).

[单项选择]The average population density of the world is 47 persons per square mile. Continental densities range from no permanent inhabitants in Antarctica to 211 per square mile in Europe. In the western hemisphere, population densities range from about 4 per square mile in Canada to 675 per square mile in Puerto Rico. In Europe the range is from 4 per square mile in Iceland to 831 per square mile in the Netherlands. Within countries there are wide variations of population densities. For example, in Egypt, the average is 55 persons per square mile, but 1,300 persons inhabit each square mile in settled portions where the land is arable.
High population densities generally occur in regions of developed industrialization, such as the Netherlands, Belgium, and Great Britain, or where lands are intensively used for agriculture, as in Puerto Rico and Java.
Low average population densities are characteristic of most underdeveloped countries. Low density of population is generally associated
A. 1,300 persons
B. few inhabitants
C. pyramids
D. many settlements
[简答题]Population ageing has become a world-wide phenomenon. Moreover, it has not only come to stay but, especially in the developing countries, it will become more felt and acute with the passage of time. Its repercussions are so wide-ranging and manifold that they can only be ignored at a tremendous cost to society.
The growing rate of population ageing poses many challenges which have to be faced realistically. A number of decisions have to he taken with the cooperation of every social institution, he it the State, Non-Governmental Organizations, the community, the family members and last but not least, the older persons themselves. Each has a very important role to play in ensuring a sustainable development for the elderly population.
Governments and civil society including organizations of older persons, academia, community-based organizations and the private sector need to help in capacity building on ageing issues. As the Shanghai Implementation Strategy points out, "A life-c
Population and Our Planet

A very important world problem is the increasing number of people who actually inhabit this planet. The limited amount of land and land resources will soon be unable to support the huge population if it continues to grow at its present rate.
So why is this huge increase in population taking place It is really due to the spread of the knowledge and practice of what is becoming known as "Death Control". You have no doubt heard of the term "Birth Control". "Death Control" is something rather different. It recognizes the work of the doctors and scientists who now keep alive people who, not very long ago, would have died of a variety of then incurable diseases. Through a wide variety of technological innovations that include farming methods and the control of deadly diseases, we have found ways to reduce the rate at which we die. However, this success is the very cause of the greatest threat to mankind.
If w
A. To control death.
B. To produce less goods.
C. To practice birth control.
D. To increas


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