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发布时间:2023-11-25 03:40:43


M: Of the two houses we saw today, which do you prefer
W: I think the brick one has a big yard, but the white one is prettier, so I like it better.

Why does the woman like the white house better than the brick one()
A. It’s bigger.
B. It has a larger yard.
C. It has a prettier yard.
D. It’s prettier.

更多"M: Of the two houses we saw today, "的相关试题:


M: Of the two houses we saw today which do you prefer
W: I think the white one is prettier but the brick one has a bigger garden. So I like it better.

Why does the woman like the brick house better than the white house ()
A. It is bigger.
B. It has a prettier color.
C. It has a larger garden.
D. It has a prettier garden.

M: Of the two houses we saw today, which do you prefer
W: I think the white one is prettier, but the brick one has a bigger garden. So I like it better.

Why does the woman like the brick house better than the white house ()
A. It is bigger.
B. It is a prettier color.
C. It has a larger garden.
D. It has a prettier garden.

Passage Two

What should we do if we want to succeed in the project we are in charge of()
A. Make everyone work for you.
B. Get everyone to help you.
C. Let people know you have the final say.
D. Keep giving orders to everyone.
[单项选择]Which of your two hands do you use much better Very few of us can use both of our hands equally well. Most of us are right-handed. Only about five people out of a hundred are left-handed. Newborn babies can grasp objects with either of their hands, but in about two years they usually prefer to use their right hands.
Scientists don’t know why this happens. They used to think that we inherited this tendency from our animal ancestors, but this may not be true. Monkeys are our closest relatives in the animal world. Scientists have found that monkeys prefer to use one of their hands more than the other, but it can be either hand. There are as many right-handed monkeys as there are left-handed ones. Next time you visit the zoo, watch the monkeys carefully. You’ll see that some of them will prefer to swing from their right hands, and others will use their left hands. But most human beings use their right hands better, and this makes life difficult for those who prefer to use their left h
A. as well as
B. not so well as
C. much better than
D. more better than
[单项选择]Which of your two hands do you use most Very few of us can use both of our hands equally well. Most of us are right - handed. Only about five people out of a hundred are left - handed. New - born babies can grasp objects with either of their hands, but in about two years they usually prefer to use their right hands.
How many people are right- handed according to the passage
A. Five
B. Ninety -five
C. Five percent of them
D. Ninety - five percent of them
[填空题]When two of you do shopping together, you can be the best bargainer.

W: How do you feel about the movie we saw last night
M: To tell you the truth, I fell asleep in the middle of it.

What does the man think of the film ()
A. It’s boring.
B. It’s exciting.
C. It’s too long.
D. It’s too short.
[单项选择]Passage Five
Which of your two hands do you use much better Very few of us can use both of our hands equally well. Most of us are right-handed. Only about five people out of a hundred are left-handed. Newborn babies can grasp objects with either of their hands, but in about two years they usually prefer to use their right hands.
Scientists don’t know why this happens. They used to think that we inherited this tendency from our animal ancestors, but this may not be true. Monkeys are our closest relatives in the animal world. Scientists have found that monkeys prefer to use one of their hands more than the other, but it can be either hand. There are as many right-handed monkeys as there are left-handed ones. Next time you visit the zoo, watch the monkeys carefully. You’ll see that some of them will prefer to swing from their right hands, and
A. as well as
B. not so well as
C. much better than
D. more better than
Passage Two
What do we learn about Japanese trains
A. People tend to be asleep on the trains.
B. People usually read newspapers there.
C. They always leave and arrive on time.
D. There are always not enough trains.
Passage Two
What do we learn about the financial advice service in the club
A. It charges at a reduced rate.
B. It is available every day.
C. It is open to all people.
D. It is provided only in the evening.
Passage Two
What do we learn about the 60 per cent of men who were questioned
A. They didn’t like to do housework.
B. Their efforts were unnoticed by the woman.
C. They were very tired after a whole day’s work.
D. They wanted to share the housework with women.
[单项选择]Passage Two Do you go to bed without brushing your teeth You may think that not brushing is not a big deal. But caring for your mouth can prevent serious (and even embarrassing) problems. Cavities happen to just about everyone. A cavity is a diseased spot in the tooth. It all starts with a sticky film made up of bacteria. That film coats your teeth and gums. The bacteria eat sugars from things you eat and drink. That produces acids. Then, the acids eat away at your teeth’s hard outer coating, called enamel. If you don’t brush regularly to remove the film, or if you keep missing a spot, those acids keep eating away the teeth’s enamel. That is how you get a cavity. "The larger it gets, the closer it gets to the nerve, increasing the chance of severe pain," says Lynn Ramer, president of the American Dentists’ Association. A cavity will never just go away by itself. It will only get worse. "Left untreated, 100 percent of the time a cavity will spread," says Dr.
A. explain the formation and treatment of cavity
B. emphasize the importance of brushing teeth
C. discuss the proper ways of brushing teeth
D. describe how a dentist treats a cavity


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