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发布时间:2023-12-26 01:01:57


Passage Five
Never before has flying been so controversial. In the space of two years, the environmental damage done by planes has gone from being something quietly discussed by scientists and committed environmentalists, to a headline-grabbing issue no one can ignore.
Even those who fly once or twice a year on holiday can’t help but feel a growing sense of guilt, while those opting for trips by car, train or ferry have a self-righteous spring in their steps.
Now, however, the backlash is beginning. The tourism and aviation industries are mobilising, and pointing out some awkward facts. Did you know that some ferries emit far more carbon dioxide than some planes That driving can release twice as much carbon as flying A new report from Balpa, the pilot’s union, even claims that planes can be better than train.
While there are the campaigners who plot their camp at Heathrow to protest the air travel, in Kenya plans are be
A. Should We Stop Flying
B. When Can We Stop Flying
C. What Will Happen If We Stop Flying
D. Will Stopping Flying Make a Difference

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Passage Five
Never before has flying been so controversial. In the space of two years, the environmental damage done by planes has gone from being something quietly discussed by scientists and committed environmentalists, to a headline-grabbing issue no one can ignore.
Even those who fly once or twice a year on holiday can’t help but feel a growing sense of guilt, while those opting for trips by car, train or ferry have a self-righteous spring in their steps.
Now, however, the backlash is beginning. The tourism and aviation industries are mobilising, and pointing out some awkward facts. Did you know that some ferries emit far more carbon dioxide than some planes That driving can release twice as much carbon as flying A new report from Balpa, the pilot’s union, even claims that planes can be better than train.
While there are the campaigners who plot their camp at Heathrow to protest the air travel, in Kenya plans are be
A. be heatedly debated in the scientific community
B. be a controversial issue no one could ignore
C. draw little attention among the general public
D. divert people’s attention from more important issues

[单项选择]Passage Two Before the grass has thickened on the roadside verges and leaves have started growing on the trees it is a perfect time to look around and see just how dirty Britain has become. The pavements are stained with chewing gum that has been spat out and the gutters are full of discarded fast food cartons. Years ago I remember travelling abroad and being saddened by the plastic bags, discarded bottles and soiled nappies at the edge of every road. Nowadays, Britain seems to look at least as bad. What has gone wrong The problem is that the rubbish created by our increasingly mobile lives lasts a lot longer than before. If it is not cleared up and properly thrown away, it stays in the undergrowth for years; a semi-permanent reminder of what a tatty little country we have now. Firstly, it is estimated that 10 billion plastic bags have been given to shoppers. These will take anything from 100 to 1,000 years to rot. However, it is not as if there is no solution to
A. Britain looks perfect.
B. you can see Britain at its dirtiest.
C. you can see how dirty Britain is now.
D. the grass has thickened on the verges.

Passage Five
Before the arrival of the internet, computer files were exchanged via storage media such as floppy disks (软盘) which were sent by post or delivered by foot, bike, car or train. After the appearance of the internet, a term was invented for such exchange of information: the sneakernet. Now that the internet is established, and our connections have become faster, the sneakernet sounds outmoded. Nevertheless, the opposite is true when larger files are considered. Because storage media evolve much faster than internet connections, it becomes ever more interesting to choose the route of physical transport over the internet.
One of the routes is via carrier pigeon(信鸽). This may sound ridiculous (and it has been a popular joke for many years), but thanks to shrinking storage media, the speed and capacity of the pigeon internet promises to become quite amazing.
A well trained contemporary carrier pigeon can maintain a speed of 50
A. storing larger computer files
B. the fast speed of the internet
C. sending digital data on the internet
D. traditional ways of sharing digital files

[单项选择]The goal of the blogs in this case has been to confirm ______ that the report was fake, and then squeeze the truth out of the facts.
A. doubts
B. suspects
C. suspicions
D. uncertainty

The world has never been more closely and intricately connected. Our behavior (51) the environment we all share, and we are tied into a global economy and global communication system. (52) choosing to buy one garment rather than another we help determine whether someone on the other side of the world retains or (53) their job; emissions from one part of the world contribute to a hole in the ozone layer somewhere else; we can (54) with others anywhere via satellites, the Internet and the mobile phone. This interdependency, (55) "connexity", is the defining characteristic of the world today.
However, despite connexity, human beings have also (56) been, more separate. Belief in individual rights and freedoms is at the heart of the West’s world view. People nowadays insist their freedom to (57) how to live, who to love, what to consume and what to believe. In economics, the sovereignty of the consu
A. just 
B. another 
C. only 
D. one


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