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发布时间:2024-03-15 01:54:17


Applications put computers to practical business () , but below the () it’s the heart of an operating system-the kernel-that provides the technical wizardry to juggle multiple program, connect to networks and store () .
A traditional kernel provides all the functions for applications. The kernel () memory, I/0 devices and parcels out processor time.
The kernel also supports security and fault () , which is the ability to recover automatically when parts of the system fail.

Applications put computers to practical business ().
A. used
B. use
C. apply
D. applied

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Applications put computers to practical business () , but below the () it’s the heart of an operating system-the kernel-that provides the technical wizardry to juggle multiple program, connect to networks and store () .
A traditional kernel provides all the functions for applications. The kernel () memory, I/0 devices and parcels out processor time.
The kernel also supports security and fault () , which is the ability to recover automatically when parts of the system fail.

but below the () it’s the heart of an operating system-the kernel-that provides the technical wizardry to juggle multiple program.
A. earth
B. bottom
C. table
D. surface

In many business, computers have largely replaced paperwork, because they are fast, flexible, and do not make mistakes. As one banker said, "unlike humans, computers never have a bad day." And they are honest. Many banks advertise that their transactions(业务,事务)are "untouched by human hands" and therefore safe from human temptation. Obviously, computers have no reason to steal money. But they also have no conscience(良心) ,and the growing number of computer crimes shows they can be used to steal.
Computer criminals don’t use guns, and even if they are caught, it is hard to punish them because there are not witness and often no evidence. A computer can not remember who used it. It simply does what it is told. The head teller(银行的出纳员)at a New York City bank used a computer to steal more than one and a half billion dollars in just four years. No one noticed this theft because he moved the money from one account to another. Each time a customer he had ro
A. They are fast, flexible and accurate.
B. They usually feel good.
C. They have no conscience.
D. They are honest.

[单项选择]Applications for the Hamilton School of Business scholarship must () by June l in order to be considered.
A. be mailing
B. mails
C. be mailed
D. mail
[填空题]从供选择的答案中选出应填入英语文句中( )的正确的答案。
Applications put computers to practical business
  • (A), but below the
  • (B) it’s the heart of an operating system the kernel that provides the technical wizardry to juggle multiple program, connect to networks and store
  • (C) .
    A traditional kernel provides all the functions for applications. The kernel
  • (D) memory, I/O devices and parcels out processor time.
    The kernel also supports security and fault
  • (E), which is the ability to recover automatically when parts of the system fail.
    A: ① used ② use ③ apply ④ applied
    B: ① earth ② bottom ③ table ④ surface
    C: ① graphics ② data ③ text ④ image
    D: ① manages ② manage ③ managed ④ managing
    E: ① error ② question ③ tolerance ④ problem


The initial impact of computers was in the area of entertainment. If you walked by a video arcade in the early 1980s, you could not have failed to notice that the use of video games was growing at what some considered an alarming rate. In 1981 the movie industry grossed $ 3 billion, video games took in an estimated $ 6 billion. That gives you some idea of just how big the computer industry had become. Video games employ the same technology as personal computers, and indeed many who bought personal computers did so primarily for playing games at home, thus saving their quarters. Though video games are not as popular as they were a few years age, they did provide consumer with their first real reason to buy PCs.
A. more recent computer innovation, desktop publishing, supplies one good reason for those who write for a living to buy a PC. Desktop publishing is a deceptively simple description for an extremely co
A. It makes home banking a reality.
B. It provides a method for producing professional-looking documents.
C. It makes it possible for people to receive newspaper electronically.
D. It makes it possible for people to bring office work to home.


The initial impact of computers was in the area of entertainment. If you walked by a video arcade in the early 1980s, you could not have failed to notice that the use of video games was growing at what some considered an alarming rate. In 1981 the movie industry grossed $ 3 billion, video games took in an estimated $ 6 billion. That gives you some idea of just how big the computer industry had become. Video games employ the same technology as personal computers, and indeed many who bought personal computers did so primarily for playing games at home, thus saving their quarters. Though video games are not as popular as they were a few years age, they did provide consumer with their first real reason to buy PCs.
A. more recent computer innovation, desktop publishing, supplies one good reason for those who write for a living to buy a PC. Desktop publishing is a deceptively simple description for an extremely complex group of h
A. the development of computer industry
B. the development of wireless technology
C. the decline in movie industry
D. the depression in the entertainment business

The initial impact of computers was in the area of entertainment. If you walked by a video arcade in the early 1980s, you could not have failed to notice that the use of video games was growing at what some considered an alarming rate. In 1981 the movie industry grossed $ 3 billion, video games took in an estimated $ 6 billion. That gives you some idea of just how big the computer industry had become. Video games employ the same technology as personal computers, and indeed many who bought personal computers did so primarily for playing games at home, thus saving their quarters. Though video games are not as popular as they were a few years ago, they did provide consumer with their first real reason to buy PCs.
A more recent computer innovation, desktop publishing, supplies one good reason for those who write for a living to buy a PC. Desktop publishing is a deceptively simple description for an extremely complex group
A. Computer may cause health problems for its users.
B. Computer has led to a revolution in every aspect of people’s life.
C. Computer is financially within the reach for most consumers.
D. The influence of computer has on people’s life is not as great as people have predicted.


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