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发布时间:2024-07-07 22:25:15

[填空题]A boy doesn’t become a man at the same age everywhere over the (76)
world. Many people in America felt that a boy becomes a man (77)
since he is eighteen years old. It is difficult for an Eskimo boy. (78)
An Eskimo boy becomes a man when he kills his first polar (79)
bear. The polar bear, that may be nine feet long and weigh (80)
1,000 pounds, is a very dangerous animal. To kill one take a (81)
lot of courage and skills. The boy who must kill a polar (82)
bear developed the skills and courage. (83)
Polar bears give the Eskimos meat for eat, skins for clothing, (84)
and oil for heating and lighting. A boy who can provide
all these things certain becomes a man.

更多"A boy doesn’t become a man at the s"的相关试题:

[填空题]A boy doesn’t become a man at the same age everywhere over the (76)
world. Many people in America felt that a boy becomes a man (77)
since he is eighteen years old. It is difficult for an Eskimo boy. (78)
An Eskimo boy becomes a man when he kills his first polar (79)
bear. The polar bear, that may be nine feet long and weigh (80)
1,000 pounds, is a very dangerous animal. To kill one take a (81)
lot of courage and skills. The boy who must kill a polar (82)
bear developed the skills and courage. (83)
Polar bears give the Eskimos meat for eat, skins for clothing, (84)
and oil for heating and lighting. A boy who can provide
all these things certain becomes a man.
[单项选择]What doesn’t the man like
A. The pictures prepared for the camera.
B. The daily life pictures.
C. The pictures taken by others.
Why doesn’t the man like French cigarettes
[单项选择]Why doesn’t the man bring communications equipment with him()
A. Because he is lazy.
B. Because he is not alone.
C. Because he is too tired to communicate with others.
D. Because he wants to keep a secret what he is doing.
[单项选择]Why doesn’t the man eat the apple
[单项选择]Why doesn’t the man go to the photo show
A. Because the photos on show aren’t good enough.
B. Because the show is crowded and he doesn’t like it.
C. Because there are few people on the show.
[单项选择]Why doesn’t the man often go to the cinema
A. Because he is often busy with his work.
B. Because he doesn’t like seeing films.
C. Because he likes to watch TV.
[单项选择]Why doesn’t the man book the seats downstairs
A. Too expensive.
B. Too close to the stage.
C. Uncomfortable.


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