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发布时间:2023-12-08 00:49:44

[单项选择]A. To the man’s office. B. To the manager’s house.
C. Home. D. To the manager’s office.

更多"A. To the man’s office. B. To the "的相关试题:

[单项选择]A. The man keeps a dog.
B. The man’s new house is with a garden.
C. The man’s new house is very expensive.
D. The man’s new house is much bigger than the old one.
[单项选择]When can the man see the manager
A. At 9:30.
B. At 11:45.
C. At 12:40.
[单项选择]Can the man see the manager now’
A. Yes, he can.
B. No, he can’t.
C. We are not sure.
A man is going to the house of a friend’s. It is quile far away. so he takes some sandwiches (三明治) along for his lunch. When llc goes along. lie says to himself. "My friend is sum Io give me a very nice nleah So what’s the use of these dry (干的) sandwiches" Then hc dlrows them on the road.
He goes on and comes to a river. The river is very big because el the rain in tile pasl few days. He can’t cross the river. He wtmts to wait for a boat So lie waits and waits. But no boat comes. Then the sun goes down. The man says to himself. "I can’t go to my friend’s house today. I must go home. "
Then tie begins to go genie. Soon he fcels hungry (饿). He wants very much to have something to wt. But be doesn’t have anything. Suddenly he sees some dry. hard sandwiches on the road. He is happy. He picks them up and eats Ihenl all.
Don’t hrow good things away; y
[单项选择]A. She saw a nail in the man’s tire.
B. The man shouldn’t drive on the tire.
C. The man may not need a new tire.
D. She also needs air in her tires.
Why did the man want to see the manager
[单项选择]What are the man’s hobbiesWhat are the man’s hobbies
A. Running and thinking.
B. Running and jumping.
C. Running and climbing.
D. Running and skiing.
[单项选择]A. The man’s professor. B. The man’s roommate.
C. A neighbor. D. The man’s brother.
· You are a manager in a company which manufactures office furniture. Next month you are going to London to discuss an important contract.
· Write a note to your assistant:
· saying when you want to leave and return
· asking him to book flights
· telling him which hotel to book.
· Write 40-50 words on a separate sheet.

[单项选择]What is one man’s cloud is another man’s ().
A. rain
B. moon
C. wind
D. sunshine
[单项选择]A. His manager is a strict man. B. He is very confident about himself.
C. He is popular among the staff members. D. He is good at acting around his manager.
[单项选择]What will the manager do, if the man doesn’t finish his project( )
A. The manager will report to the company.
B. The manager will make trouble for the man.
C. The manager will get into trouble.
D. The manager will fire the man.
[单项选择]A) The man’s neighbor. C) The man’s wife.
B) The man’s friends. D) The man’s secretary.
[单项选择]What’s the man’s trouble
A. He can’t go to sleep at night.
B. He doesn’t like his job.
C. He’s sleepy at work in the morning.
[单项选择]What’s the man’s intention
A. They will have a match with Class Three tomorrow.
B. They will beat Class Three.
C. They must have more practice.
D. There is some question in they will beat Class Three.
[单项选择]What’s the man’s opinion
A. He likes to travel by train.
B. He thinks traveling by train is safe.
C. He prefers to travel by plane.
[单项选择]What’s the man’s problem
A. He has not time to talk with the boss.
B. He can’t tell a good story.
C. He has trouble collecting the data.
D. He hasn’t finished his work.


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