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发布时间:2023-12-07 20:15:25

{{B}}TEXT F{{/B}}

Fortunately there are still a few tasty things for us gourmands to enjoy in relative security. Their numbers, however, are depleted almost daily, it seems, by ruthless proclamations from the ever-vigilant Food and Drug Administration and its allies, our doctors. The latest felon to face prosecution is the salt of life, sodium chloride.
Ostensible, overuse of salt causes high blood pressure and hypertension, the cause of half the deaths in the United States every year. A few years ago the anti-salt campaigners raised such a rumpus that salt was banned from baby food. Currently pressure is being ap- plied to food manufacturers to oblige them to label their products to show sodium content. Because doing so would cost mercenary manufacturers money, they argue that they have no idea how much salt remains on such things as potato chips and how much sticks to the bag. Furthermore, salt isn’t the only harmful ingredi
A. they disagree with the FDA
B. salt doesn’t stick to potato chips
C. they would have to spend more money
D. it isn’t important to single out salt

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{{B}}TEXT F{{/B}}

Fortunately there are still a few tasty things for us gourmands to enjoy in relative security. Their numbers, however, are depleted almost daily, it seems, by ruthless proclamations from the ever-vigilant Food and Drug Administration and its allies, our doctors. The latest felon to face prosecution is the salt of life, sodium chloride.
Ostensible, overuse of salt causes high blood pressure and hypertension, the cause of half the deaths in the United States every year. A few years ago the anti-salt campaigners raised such a rumpus that salt was banned from baby food. Currently pressure is being ap- plied to food manufacturers to oblige them to label their products to show sodium content. Because doing so would cost mercenary manufacturers money, they argue that they have no idea how much salt remains on such things as potato chips and how much sticks to the bag. Furthermore, salt isn’t the only harmful ingredi
A. but they suffer from hypertension
B. and they suffer from hypertension
C. because they suffer from hypertension
D. when they suffer from hypertension

Fortunately there are still a few tasty things for us gourmands to enjoy in relative security. Their numbers, however, are depleted almost daily. It seems, by ruthless proclamations from the ever-vigilant Food and Drug Administration and its allies, our doctors. The latest felon to face prosecution is the salt of life, sodium chloride.
Ostensibly, overuse of salt muses high blood pressure and hypertension, the cause of half the deaths in the United States every year. A few years ago the anti-salt campaigners raised such a rumpus that salt was banned from baby food. Currently pressure is being applied to food manufacturers to oblige them to label their products to show sodium content. Bemuse doing so would cost mercenary manufacturers money, they argue that they have no idea how much salt remains on such things as potato chips and how much sticks to the bag. Furthermore, salt isn’t the only harmful ingredient in food. If the manufacturer has to provide sodium content
A. We must stop eating salt immediately.
B. She is not convinced that salt is harmful.
C. The Food and Drug Administration works well with doctors.
D. Soon there won’ t be anything tasty left to eat.

{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

If you smoke and you still don’t believe that there’s a definite link between smoking and bronchial troubles, heart disease and lung cancer, then you are certainly deceiving yourself. No one will accuse you of hypocrisy. Let us just say that you are suffering from a bad case of wishful thinking. This needn’t make you too uncomfortable because you are in good company. Whenever the subject of smoking and health is raised, the governments of most countries hear no evil, see no evil and smell no evil. Admittedly, a few governments have taken timid measures. In Britain for instance, cigarette advertising has been banned on television. The conscience of the nation is appeased, while the population continues to puff its way to smoky, cancerous death.
You don’t have to look very far to find out why the official reactions to medical findings have been so lukewarm. The answer is simply money. Tobacco is a wonderful com
A. Because they are afraid of people.
B. Because diseases cost a lot.
C. Because they are afraid of the cutting down of their revenue.
D. Because they are afraid of manufacturers.
{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

In ancient Greece athletic festivals were very important and had strong religious associations. The Olympian athletic festival held every four years in honor of Zeus, king of the Olympian Gods, eventually lost its local character, and became first a national event and then, international.
The Games took place in August on the plain by Mount Olympus. Many thousands of spectators gathered from all parts of Greece. Slaves, women and dishonored persons were not allowed to compete. The exact sequence of events is uncertain, but events included boy’s gymnastics, boxing, wrestling, horse racing and field events.
On the last day of the Games, all the winners were honored by having a ring of holy olive leaves placed on their heads. So great was the honor that the winner of the foot race gave his name to the year of his victory. Although Olympic winners received no prize money, they were, in fact, richly rewarded
A. only male Greek athletes were allowed to participate in the Games
B. all Greeks, irrespective of sex, religion or social status, were allowed to take part in
C. all Greeks, with the exception of women, were allowed to compete in the Games
D. all male Greeks were qualified to compete in the Games
{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

Paris: Thanks to a French insurance company, brides and bridegrooms with cold feet no longer face financial disaster from a canceled wedding. For a small premium, they can take out a policy protecting them from love gone away or anything else that threatens to rain on their big day.
Despite France’s economic woes, the amount of money spent on weddings is rising 5-10 per cent a year. And people in the Paris region now dish out an average of 60,000 francs on tying the knot. But life is unpredictable and non-refundable, so French insurers have stepped in to ease the risk, finding their own little niche in the business of love. They join colleagues in Britain, where insurers say wedding cancellation policies have been around for about a decade.
About 5 per cent of insured weddings there never make it
A. To thank a French insurance company for what has been done.
B. To explain how a French insurance company works.
C. To tell brides and bridegrooms what to do before getting married.
D. To ask husband and wife-to-be to take out an insurance policy.
{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

The year which preceded my father’s death made great change in my life. I had been living in New Jersey, working defense plants, working and living among southerners, white and black. I knew about the south, of course, and about how southerners treated Negroes and how they expected them to behave, but it had never entered my mind that anyone would look at me and expect me to behave that way. I learned in New Jersey that to be a Negro meant, precisely, that one was never looked at but was simply at the mercy of the reflexes of the color of one’s skin caused in other people. I acted in New Jersey as I had always acted, that is as though I thought a great deal of myself-- I had to act that way -- with results that were, simply, unbelievable. I had scarcely arrived before I had earned the enmity, which was extrodinarily ingenious, of all my superiors and nearly all my co-workers. In the beginning, to make matters worse
A. that was a year in which awful things happened to me
B. that was a year that I will never even forget
C. that was a year that only existed in my mind; but never happened to exist
D. that was a year when I lived in New Jersey


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