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发布时间:2023-11-29 23:59:57

[填空题]After Jerry was shot and pushed to the verge of death, he ______.

更多"After Jerry was shot and pushed to "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Only after a baby seal is pushed into the sea by its mother () to swim.
A. how will it learn
B. will it learn how
C. it will learn how
D. and it learns how
[填空题]on the verge of

The country was on the verge of becoming prosperous and successful. The underlined part means()

A. on the border of
B. close to
C. on the margin of
D. during the course of
[单项选择]This kind of animals are on the verge of extinction, because so many are being killed for their fur.
A. drying up
B. dying out
C. being exported
D. being transplanted

Women are on the verge of outnumbering men in the workforce for the first time, a historic reversal caused by long-term changes in women’s roles and massive job losses for men during this recession.
Women held 49.83% of the nation’s 132 million jobs in June and they’re gaining the vast majority of jobs in the few sectors of the economy that are growing, according to the most recent numbers available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s a record high for a measure that’s been growing steadily for decades and accelerating during the recession. At the current pace, women will become a majority of workers in October or November.
"Women have struggled long and hard to get to this point," says labor economist Heidi Hartmann, president of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research.
The change reflects the growing importance of women as wage earners, but it doesn’t show full equality, Hartmann says. On aver
A. Women take the most jobs in the economy.
B. Women outnumber men in few sectors.
C. Men become substantially unemployed.
D. Men make up the most profitable sectors.

[单项选择]Who shot Abraham Lincoln
A. A young man of 24 from the north.
B. A young man of 25 from the south.
C. A slave owner of 26 from the south.
[单项选择]I was on the verge of giving up when I noticed a piece of paper lying on the table by the telephone.()
A. 就在我差点儿要放弃的时候,我发现电话旁边的桌子上有一张纸条。
B. 当我发现电话旁边的桌子上有一张纸条的时候,我差点儿就放弃了。
C. 当我躺在电话旁边的桌子旁时,我发现了一张纸。我一看内容,差点儿就晕了。
D. 就在我犹豫不决时,我发现电话旁边的桌子上有一张纸。
[单项选择]Where did Jerry fall off
A. Car.
B. Ship.
C. Bike.


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