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发布时间:2023-12-12 00:59:06

In developing a model of cognition, we must recognize that perception of the external world does not always remain independent of motivation. While progress toward maturity is positively correlated with differentiation between motivation and cognition, tension will, even in the mature adult, militate towards a narrowing of the range of perception.
Cognition can be seen as the first step in the sequence events leading from the external stimulus to the behavior of the individual. The child develops from belief that all things are an extension of its own body to the recognition that objects exist independent of his perception. He begins to demonstrate awareness of people and things which are removed from his sensory apparatus and initiates goal-directed behaviors. He may, however, refuse to recognize the existence of barriers to the attainment o
A. (A) Strong motivations give rise to perception.
B. (B) He holds the conviction that things around him are parts of extended body and later on gives it up.
C. (C) Parents and teachers play a key role in his development of cognition.
D. (D) He believes that objects around him are independent of his perception.

更多"In developing a model of cognition,"的相关试题:

In developing a model of cognition, we must recognize that perception of the external world does not always remain independent of motivation. While progress toward maturity is positively correlated with differentiation between motivation and cognition, tension will, even in the mature adult, militate towards a narrowing of the range of perception.
Cognition can be seen as the first step in the sequence events leading from the external stimulus to the behavior of the individual. The child develops from belief that all things are an extension of its own body to the recognition that objects exist independent of his perception. He begins to demonstrate awareness of people and things which are removed from his sensory apparatus and initiates goal-directed behaviors. He may, however, refuse to recognize the existence of barriers to the attainment o
A. (A) playing with others
B. (B) chattering
C. (C) things out of his grasp
D. (D) laughing
[填空题]How many steps must we take when we read a map
We have to take ().

How many steps must we take when we read a map We have to take ______.
[单项选择]We must do whatever we can to free some parts of the country from poverty.
A. 我们必须做任何事情,我们就可以使贫困的国家部分免费。
B. 我们必须竭尽所能,使贫困的国家部分免费。
C. 我们必须竭尽所能消除国内某些地区的贫困。 D. 我们必须竭尽所能使贫困国家的部分地区脱贫。
[单项选择]We are inevitably faced with the necessity to recognize that having more people implies a lower standard of living()
A. 我们不可避免地要面对一种必然结果,即承认更多的人就暗示着生活的低标准。
B. 我们不可避免地要面对这样的事实:人口的增长意味着生活水准的降低。
C. 随着人的增多,生活水平会很低,这不可避免,我们只能面对这种必然的现实。
D. 我们承认一种必然结果是无法避免的,我们得面对人越多生活水平就越低的事实。
[单项选择]We must make sure we get to the station(),because we’ve still got to buy our tickets.
A. on time
B. in good time
C. for a time
D. at one time
[填空题]When we compare men with animals, we must remember that a man is also an animal. But in making this comparison, it is sometimes more convenient to refer to the rest of the animal kingdom as "animals".
(1) .
Many animals are intelligent in the sense that they can explore their surroundings or acquire new skills by learning from their parents. Animal organisms have organs whose physical power exceeds the power of men. The bodies of men have no wings and cannot fly. Men cannot imitate fish and spend long periods under water unless they carry breathing apparatus with them.
(2) . But it is very uncommon for animals to go mad or destroy their own kind. Animals, left to themselves, do not disturb the balance of nature. They do not turn grassland into desert or make water undrinkable by filling whole lakes and rivers with waste materials. Compared with most other organisms—if we see him as a part of nature—man is wasteful and destructive. Though he is more intell
[单项选择]—Must we finish the composition in class
—No, you ( )
A. needn’t
B. mustn’t
C. won’t
D. shouldn’t
[填空题]Not only must we be confident of our own future, we must also ______. (而且还要随时准备应付任何挫折)

[填空题]We must finish the work on time. The work must ______ on time.
[单项选择]— Must we finish the homework today
— No, you ______.
[A] mustn’t [B] needn’t [C] shouldn’t

We all believe in something or someone. We must believe, just as we must eat, sleep, and reproduce. (46) Mankind has an insatiable need for and an irresistible attraction to a vast array of beliefs about gods and demons, magic and miracles, truth and falsehood, love and hate, same and different.
Implausible, even irrational ideas, have been cherished for centuries. Saints and other martyrs suffered indescribable pain and agony, even death, for their beliefs. Scientists have been put to death for their belief that the earth is round, or that there is an invisible force called gravity, or that the earth is not the center of the universe with the sun revolving around it, or that the blood circulates throughout the body, or that Man evolved from lower forms of life. (47) Religious leaders have attracted millions of people with their version of how life began and how we must behave; if people do not believe in medicine and science religion, education, government and


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