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发布时间:2024-08-01 02:31:43

[单项选择]Another popular misconception is the that great talent is usually highly specific()
A. notion
B. dilemma
C. domain
D. analogy

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[单项选择]Another popular misconception is the that great talent is usually highly specific.( )
A. notion
B. dilemma
C. domain
D. analogy
[填空题]The new mayor achieved great (popular)()
[单项选择]He made another wonderful discovery, ()of great importance to science.
A. which I think is
B. which I think it is
C. which I think it
D. I think is
[单项选择](At a party)
Adam: This is a great apartment.
Tammy: I think so, too. ______
Adam: No, I’m Adam. I came with Carl. I don’t really know anyone here. Carl’s told me about most of his friends, but I can’t match the names with the faces.
A. Excuse me, but do I know you
B. Excuse me, could I know you
C. Excuse me, do you mind telling me your name
D. Excuse me, but do you know me
[单项选择]Foreign propagandists have a strange misconception of our national character. They believe that we Americans must be hybrid, mongrel, undynamic; and we are called so by the enemies of democracy because, they say, so many races have been fused together in our national life. They believe we are disunited and defenseless because we argue with each other, because we engage in political campaigns, because we recognize the sacred right of the minority to disagree with the majority and to express that disagreement even loudly. It is the very mingling of races, dedicated to common ideals, which creates and recreates our vitality. In every representative American meeting there will be people with names like Jackson and Lincoln and Isaacs and Schultz and Kovack and Sartori and Jones and Smith. These Americans with varied. backgrounds are all immigrants or the descendants of immigrants. All of them are inheritors of the same stalwart tradition of unusual enterprise, of adventurousness, of courage
A. No Common Ideals
B. America’s Motivating Force
C. American Immigrants
D. The Evils of Foreign Propaganda
[填空题]What is the misconception that is still dominating many people’s minds
[填空题]What’s the common misconception about art and science

Another month, another dismal set of job figures. America pulled out of its last economic recession way back in November 2001, yet the country’s "jobs recession" finished only last autumn, when 2.7 million jobs had been lost since the start of the slowdown. Now, though economic growth has bounced back, new jobs refuse to do the same in this, the third year of recovery. In February, a mere 21,000 jobs were created, according to the official payroll survey, at a time when George Bush’s economists forecast 2.6 million new jobs for 2004 mounting alarm at the White House, and increased calls for protection against what a growing number of Americans see as the root of most ills: the "outsourcing" of jobs to places like China and India. Last week the Senate approved a bill that forbids the outsourcing of government contracts--a curious case of a government guaranteeing not to deliver value-for-money to taxpayers. American anxiety over the economy appears
A. is the chief reason for the high unemployment rate in the U.S.
B. is nothing compared with the job loss within the U.S.
C. is profoundly changing the structure of the American economy
D. equals the number of jobs created each month in the U.S.


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