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发布时间:2024-01-23 22:53:59


W: What about the new printer you keep talking recently Have you saved enough to buy it
M: Oh, I don’t want to talk about it. Money seems to be burning a hole in my pocket lately.

What does the man mean ()
A. He doesn’t want a new printer any more.
B. He doesn’t have enough money yet.
C. He has just bought the printer recently.
D. He lost the money he was saving.

更多"[听力原文] W: What about the new prin"的相关试题:


W: What happened to you You are so late.
M: The bus I took broke down in front of a hospital, and I had to walk from there.

Why was the man so late()
A. Something was wrong with the bus.
B. He took somebody to hospital.
C. Something prevented him taking the bus.
D. He came on foot instead of taking the bus.

M: What happened to you You’re so late.
W: My car broke down haft way, and I had to walk.

Why was the woman late ()
A. She walked instead of driving a car.
B. She broke her leg.
C. Her car had something wrong and refused to work.
D. Her car had been caught in a traffic jam.

M: What time do you usually have breakfast
W: Around 7:00, but lately I’ve been having trouble getting up in the morning, so I’ve been eating breakfast at 8:00, 9:00 even as late as 10:00.

What time does she usually have breakfast()
A. She never eats breakfast.
B. All the time.
C. At 7:00.
D. At 10:00.

M: What time do you usually go to work
W: Around 7:30, but lately I’ve been having trouble getting up in the morning, so I’ve been going 1o work at 7:50.

What time does the woman usually go to work()
A. At 7:30.
B. At 7:15.
C. At 7:50.
D. At 8:00.

W: what do you hope to do when you finish university
M: I’d like to go into management. I’ve applied for several jobs already and I’m hopeful that I’ll get some job offers. How about you

What does the man want to do for the future job ()
A. He wants to be an editor.
B. He wants to be a writer.
C. He wants to be a manager.
D. He wants to be a teacher in the university.

M: What did you do with your dog while you were away
W: Oh, he is a good traveler as long as he gets a chance to play.
Q: What can we conclude from the conversation ()

A. The man would like to take care of the woman’s pet.
B. The woman considers herself a good traveler.
C. The woman would like to send her dog to her neighbor.
D. The woman usually brought his pet along with her for the trip.

M: What do you think of this black jacket
W: Actually, I prefer this blue one with white buttons.

Which jacket does the woman prefer ()
A. The white.
B. The blue one.
C. The black one.
D. The green one.

W: What are you reading about in the newspaper
M: I was exhausted from studying, so I decided to read the newspaper to relax. Unfortunately, the news is so depressing.

Why does the man read newspaper ()
A. Because he cares about the politics.
B. Because he has nothing to do at present.
C. Because he wants to read something interesting.
D. Because he is tired of studying and he wants to relax himself.

W: What’s wrong with you You look so upset.
M: As soon as I picked the receiver up, the other end hung up without saying anything. I tried everything including blowing a whistle into the receiver.

What is the man talking about ()
A. An annoyance call.
B. A crossword puzzle.
C. A broken telephone.
D. A musical instrument.

W: You can keep these books for two weeks and the magazines are not allowed to be taken out.
M: Ok, I’ll return the books on time.

Where does this conversation take place ()
A. In a department store.
B. In a post office.
C. In a bookstore.
D. In a library.

M: What would you like to see first, the monkeys or the camels
W: I’d really like to see the deer. It’s almost their feeding time.

Where are the speakers()
A. At a zoo.
B. In a cafeteria.
C. On a college campus.
D. At an art museum.

M: What are you going to do this weekend, Alice
W: I’m going to the cinema with some friends. Are you coming with us

What is Alice going to do ()
A. Stay at home.
B. Meet some friends.
C. Go to the movie.
D. Give a performanc

M: So, what would you like to drink They have beer, wine and juice hers.
W: I don’t like alcohol. It makes my face turn red.

What will the woman probably drink()
A. Alcohol.
B. Beer.
C. Juice.
D. Win


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