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发布时间:2023-12-18 21:32:07

College students are graduating with more debt than ever, a burden affecting their lifestyles and job choices, shows a survey of 2,500 students in several states. The survey was conducted by Barbara Katz, the nation’s largest non-profit provider of student loans.
The average total debt of the students studied was $18,000 vs. $ 8,200 in a comparative survey in 1991, The Boston Globe reported Thursday (October 23, 1997).
Tuition and fees at public and private colleges have increased an average of 25 % for the period, and more of today’s financial aid is in the form of loans rather than grants.
Because of their debts, an increasing number of students are putting off such things as buying a car or a house, or moving out of their ’parents’ house, the study found.
Most students surveyed were in Massachusetts, New York and California, where the cost of college typically is higher than in other areas.
The conductor of the surve

更多"College students are graduating wit"的相关试题:

College students are graduating with more debt than ever, a burden affecting their lifestyles and job choices, shows a survey of 2,500 students in several states. The survey was conducted by Barbara Katz, the nation’s largest non-profit provider of student loans.
The average total debt of the students studied was $18,000 vs. $ 8,200 in a comparative survey in 1991, The Boston Globe reported Thursday (October 23, 1997).
Tuition and fees at public and private colleges have increased an average of 25 % for the period, and more of today’s financial aid is in the form of loans rather than grants.
Because of their debts, an increasing number of students are putting off such things as buying a car or a house, or moving out of their ’parents’ house, the study found.
Most students surveyed were in Massachusetts, New York and California, where the cost of college typically is higher than in other areas.
The conductor of the surve
[单项选择]Three years ago E]on College, a school of more than 4, 000 students with a rising academic reputation, decided it was no longer good marketing to be known as Fighting Christians and changed its mascot to the Phoenix, emblematic of its rebirth after a major fire in the 1920s.
Some alumni resisted, but the change produced nothing like the soul-searching the school went through when, five months later, it joined a major movement in US higher e-ducation by dropping the word "college" and renaming itself Elon University.
In the past 10 years, according to Higher Education Publications Inc. in Arlington, 161 other US colleges have done the same thing, for reasons that often have as much to do with image as academics. To make the situation more confusing, many of the new universities still advertise their collegelike atmosphere, while some institutions that call themselves colleges still tell potential applicants that they are just like universities.
Guess which image is more a
A. America’s best colleges.
B. The power of the word "university".
C. Elon College renames itself.
D. Colleges upgrade their image by changing their names.
[填空题]"Brokeback Mountain" received more nominations than any other movie this year.
[简答题]Qantas(广达斯航空公司)has more flights to more places than any other Australian air-line. Every week,we fly to 104 cities in 31 countries across 5 continents(洲). All these mean that whenever and wherever you want to go in the world, Qantas can take you there safely and comfortably.
[简答题]Nowadays young people tend to phone more often than write to each other. So, some say that phones will kill letter writing. What is your opinion
Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:
Will Phones Kill Letter Writing

You are to write in three parts.
In the first part, state specifically what your view is.
In the second part, support your view with one or two reasons.
In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.

[多项选择]PART 1
·Do you think clothing is more important than before Why
[填空题]According to Mr. Olayer, women are more likely than men to see nursing as a full-time career.

Five Myths about College Debt

A.The trillion-dollar student debt burden has caused many debates about the value of college. Some argue that we educate too many young people. Indeed, average tuition costs have gone up faster than the rate of inflation. The cost of college today is, in inflation-adjusted terms, roughly double what it was in 1980. This creates legitimate concerns about the continued affordability of a college education.
B.But the debaters often have their facts wrong. Very few Americans graduate with $100,000 in debt; college makes more sense today than ever; and no, our universities aren’t blowing their money to fund college dorms and football stadiums.
Myth 1: The financial return for going to college is less now than it used to be.
C.If anything, the value of an investment in college is higher now than it’s ever been. The college premium (the difference between the earnings of colle


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