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发布时间:2023-10-20 11:53:08

[单项选择]The manager spoke highly of such( )as loyalty, courage and truthfulness shown by his employees.
A. virtues
B. features
C. properties
D. characteristics

更多"The manager spoke highly of such( )"的相关试题:

[填空题]Increasing Customer Loyalty
Customers are not revolutionaries. They are attracted to the certainty of knowing that
what they buy it will be good value for money or will perform a particular task effectively.
34. They are cautious but their loyalty, without once achieved, is the key to business success.
35. Brands can help to create customer loyalty by providing us a signpost to certainty and
36. safety. Ideally, when a customer sees a product, it leads to a range of positive thoughts
37. so that the product is bought. Unfortunately, only a small number of products have
38. reached to this level. While everyone in business is aware of the need to attract and
39. retain customers, that they often overlook the second, more important, half of the
40. equation. In the excitement of beating against the competition and securing orders,
41. managers often fail to ensure that the customer remains a customer. It has been
42. estimated that since th
Passage Two

Of all the catastrophes that could befall America in coming years, a big terrorist attack, perhaps even bigger than those on September 11 th 2001, may be more likely than others. Who would pay for the millions in property damage, business losses and other claims from such an attack
This is the question with which America’s Congress is currently wrestling. The Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) was passed as a temporary measure after September 11th to provide a government back-stop for the insurance industry in the event of a catastrophic attack. It now says government can step in when insured losses from a terrorist event top $5m. TRIA has helped to stabilize the market, and enabled insurers to continue offering terrorism-risk cover even after swallowing the big losses imposed by September llth. But unless Congress acts last, TRIA will expire at the end of the year. One likely result is the loss of
A. provides insurance to properties in high-risk areas
B. should be extended as it is now
C. requires government support to risk insurance
D. has caused a substantial loss of revenue to the state

[填空题]Spend ten romantic days enjoying the beautiful countryside of southern England. The counties of Devon, Dorset, Hampshire, and Essex invite you to enjoy their castles and coastline, their charming bed and breakfast inns, their museums and their cathedrals (大教堂). Spend lazy days watching the clouds flow by or spend active days hiking the glorious hills. These fields were home to Thomas Hardy, and the ports launched ships that shaped world history. Bed and breakfasts abound, ranging from quiet farmhouses to great castles. Our tour begins August 15. Call or fax us today for more information on 44-800-222-5634. Enrollment is limited, so please call soon.
The B&B Tour

Method of application: call or fax
Destination: countryside of (1)
Attractions: (2) , museums and the cathedrals in the counties of Devon. Dorset, Hampshire, and Essex
Accommodation: (3) inns
Activities: watch


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