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发布时间:2023-12-15 00:38:09

[填空题]A distinction is made between vowels where the quality remains constant throughout the articulation and those where there is an audible change of quality. The former are known as PUPE or MONOPHTHONG VOWELS and the latter, VOWEL GLIDES.()

更多"A distinction is made between vowel"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Who made the distinction between Langue and Parole
A. Leech.
B. Chomsky.
C. Halliday.
D. Saussure.
[单项选择]Classification of vowels are made according to all the following EXCEPT
A. the openness of the mouth.
B. the position of the tongue.
C. the shape of the lip.
D. the sound of the vowels.
[单项选择]The traditional distinction between products that satisfy needs and those that satisfy wants is no longer adequate to describe classes of products. In today’s prosperous societies the distinction has become blurred because so many wants have been turned into needs. A writer, for instance, can work with paper and pencils. These are legitimate needs for the task. But the work can be done more quickly and efficiently with a word processor. Thus a computer is soon viewed as a need rather than a want.
In the field of marketing, consumer goods are classed according to the way in which they are purchased. The two main categories are convenience goods and shopping goods. Two lesser types are specialty goods and unsought goods. It must be emphasized that all of these types are based on the way shoppers think about products, not on the nature of the products themselves. What is regarded as a convenience item in France (wine, for example) may be a specialty good in the United States.
A. a want, a need
B. a need, a want
C. a machine, a tool
D. a tool, a machine
[简答题]What is the distinction between inflectional affixes and derivational affixes
[单项选择]  The distinction between making art and thinking and writing about it should imply neither a mutual exclusiveness nor a hierarchic differentiation of these processes. Leonardo demonstrated that producing art and theorizing about Line it need not be antithetically opposed activities and that meaningful contributions can be achieved successfully in more than one field. Inexplicably, few theorists have built as memorable architectural structures as his and even fewer artists have been entrusted with the directorship of an influential art institution. Unfortunately, as theory and practice became more specialized in the modernera and their operational framework clearly defined both in the cultural milieu and the educational process, their independent paths and boundaries have curtailed possibilities of interaction. The creations of categories and divisions have further emphasized highly individualized idiosyncrasies and, by exposing differences, diminished the value of a unifying artistic
A. reduce the level of control artists have over artistic institutions
B. increase the usefulness of creating a unifying artistic vocabulary
C. permit a greater level of development of knowledge concerning both
D. curtail interactions and establish false boundaries between the two fields
E. complicate the educational process of artists in an unfortunate manner
[单项选择]The distinction between acquisition and learning is put forward by( ).
A. Chomsky
B. Krashen
C. Saussure
D. Bloomfield
[简答题]The important distinction between the external financial market and the domestic financial market lies in that Eurocurrency banking is not subject to domestic banking regulations.
[简答题]How do you understand the distinction between langue and parole introduced by Saussure
[单项选择] What is sports violence The distinction between unacceptable viciousness and a game’’s normal rough-and-tumble (混战) is impossible to make, or so the argument .runs. This position may appeal to our inclination for legalism, but the truth is most of us know quite well when an act of needless savagery has been committed, and sports are little different from countless other activities of life. The distinction is as apparent as that between a deliberately aimed blow and the arm failing of the losing his balance. When a player balls his hand into a fist, when he drives his helmet into an unsuspecting opponent in short. When he crosses the boundary between playing hard and playing to hurt -- he can only intend an act of violence. Admittedly, rough acts in sports are difficult to police. But here, too, we find reflected the conditions of everyday life. Ambiguities in the law, confusion at the scene, and the reluctance of witnesses cloud almost any routine assault case. Such uncertainti
A. violence in sports is illegal
B. finesse is more important than aggression
C. violence in sports is inevitable
D. violence in sports is not necessary


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