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发布时间:2023-10-07 18:17:33

[单项选择]He spoke in a quiet, distant voice, as though his thought______
A. was far away
B. did far away
C. were far away
D. does far away

更多"He spoke in a quiet, distant voice,"的相关试题:

[单项选择]We recognized his voice ______ he spoke on the radio.

A. while
B. after
C. in case
D. the moment
[填空题]Our master raised his voice so that he could make himself (hear)______ by the pupils in the back of the hall.

[单项选择]You should allow your child to voice his opinions ______ they are different from yours.
A. as if
B. before
C. even if
D. unless
[单项选择]He spoke so()that even his opponents were won over by his arguments.
A. bluntly
B. determinedly
C. emphatically
D. convincingly
[填空题]He spoke at a length about the reforms in his college.
[单项选择]He spoke as if he had been to the moon.
A. 他说他曾经去过月球。
B. 他说他好像他去过月球。
C. 他说话的样子好像他去过月球。
D. 他说话的样子好像他要去月球。
[单项选择]He spoke so ______ that even his opponents were impressed by his words.
A. frankly
B. clearly
C. convincingly
D. loudly
[单项选择]"No," Kojima said, "the point is, he spoke out, he stood up to America. Japan is just getting tired of being pushed around."
A. he stood up and spoke to the American audience
B. he faced America boldly
C. he challenged America
D. he met the Americans’ challenge proudly
[单项选择]A. He is very quiet. C. He should give more than one series of talks.
B. He gives amusing lectures. D. He lectures only to the serious students.
[填空题]When he left his parents he promised them that he would ______ (尽量多写家信).

[填空题]That Canadian boy spoke Chinese as fluently as he spoke English, ______(这是超出我想象的).

[单项选择]When he lost his jobs he tried to()his fortunes by robbing a bank.
A. revive
B. retrieve
C. rectify
D. recycle
[填空题]She spoke of his (achieve) ______ in glowing terms.

[填空题]How did he spend his spare time
He spent all his spare time ().
[填空题]He will go home after he finishes his work. He won’t go home ______ he finishes his work.
[填空题]He spoke English very well as if he(be) ______ abroad for many years.
[简答题]Before his departure, he was advised by his parents to______(尽快适应新的环境).

[单项选择]He was ______ when he spoke at the company dinner last year.

A. lighter than the year before
B. heavier than the year before
C. with the Weight Watchers
D. planning to go on diet


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