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发布时间:2023-10-13 04:45:45

[单项选择]It takes a while, as you walk around the streets of Nantes, a city of half a million people on the banks of the Loire River, to realize just what it is that is odd. Then you get it: there are empty parking slots, which is highly unusual in big French towns.
Two decades of effort to make life more livable by dissuading people from driving into town has made Nantes a beacon for other European cities seeking to shake dependence on the automobile.
The effects were clear recently during Mobility Week, a campaign sponsored by the European Union that prompted more than 1,000 towns across the Continent to test ways of making their streets, if not car- free, at least manageable. "That is an awfully difficult problem," acknowledges Joel Crawford, an author and leader of the "car free" movement picking up adherents all over Europe. "You can’t take cars oat of cities until there is some sort of alternative in place. But there are a lot of forces pointing in the direction of a major reduc

更多"It takes a while, as you walk aroun"的相关试题:

[单项选择]It takes a while, as you walk around the streets of Nantes, a city of haft a million people on the banks of the Loire River, to realize just what it is that is odd. Then you get it: there are empty parking slots, which is highly unusual in big French towns.
Two decades of effort to make life more livable by dissuading people from driving into town Nas made Nantes a beacon for other European cities seeking to shake dependence on the automobile.
The effects were clear recently during Mobility Week, a campaign sponsored by the European Union that prompted more than 1,000 towns across the Continent to test ways of making their streets, if not car free, at least manageable. "That is an awfully difficult problem," acknowledges Joel Crawford, an author and leader of the "car free" movement picking up adherents all over Europe. "You can’t take cars out of cities until there is some sort of alternative in place. But there are a lot of forces pointing in the direction of a major reduct
A. Nantes is with the best traffic condition in France.
B. Nantes used to be crowded with cars.
C. The government of Nantes is the first to dissuade people from driving into town.
D. The government of Nantes succeeds in raising people’s living standar
[单项选择]He takes a walk along the river after supper every day()his health.
A. for the sake of
B. for the profit of
C. for the interest of
D. because of
[单项选择]Mike takes a walk everyday. ______ is good for his health.
A. that
B. what
C. which
D. as
[单项选择] Listening to music while you drive can improve your reaction time and ability to avoid hazards, according to Australian psychologists. But turning your car stereo up to full volume could probably make you end up in an accident. The performance of complex tasks can be affected if people are subjected to loud noise. The experience of pulling up at traffic lights alongside cars shaking with heavy bass (低音) prompted some psychologists in the University of Sydney to investigate whether loud music interferes with driving. The psychologists recruited 60 men and women aged between 20 and 28 as subjects and tested them on simulated (模拟的) driving tasks under three noise conditions: silence, rock music played at a gentle 55 decibels, and the same music roaring out at 85 decibels. For 10 minutes the subjects sat in front of a monitor operating a steering wheel and foot pedals representing the brake and accelerator (加速器). They had to track a moving disk on screen, respond to traffic sign
A. Loud music.
B. Quiet music.
C. Silence.
D. Full volume stereo music.
[填空题]While(walk) __________ along the street early in the morning, he saw her.


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