Mrs. Black has two sons. They are very strong but very lazy. Whenever Mrs. Black asks them to do something, they always find some excuses "Mom, I am busy on my homework." or "I am suffering from a headache." One day, Mrs. Black took back a picture with a washing-machine on which there was a girl standing by the machine. She said to her sons: "There is a newly-developed washing-machine. It can make our housework simpler. Would you like to buy one" "Yes," the two sons said without any hesitation. "Buy what" "The machine and the girl," said the two sons at the same time. "Then she can wash our dirty clothes for us," one of them explained.
It would be interesting to discover how
many young people go to university without any clear idea of what they are going
to do afterwards. If one considers the enormous variety of courses{{U}} 62
{{/U}}, it is not hard to see how difficult it is for a student to select
the course most suited to his{{U}} 63 {{/U}}and abilities. If a
student goes to university to acquire a broader{{U}} 64 {{/U}}of life,
to enlarge his ideas and to learn to think for himself, he will{{U}} 65
{{/U}}benefit. Schools often have too restricting an atmosphere, with its
time tables and{{U}} 66 {{/U}}, to allow him much time for
independent{{U}} 67 {{/U}}of the work he is asked to do. Most students
would, I believe,{{U}} 68 {{/U}}by a year of such exploration of
different academic studies, especially those "all rounders" with no{{U}} 69
{{/U}}i A. little B. much C. few D. seldom [单选题]某男,29岁。两眼红肿疼痛6天,眵多,畏光,流泪,口苦,烦热,便秘,舌红,苔黄腻,脉弦滑。除合谷、风池、睛明、太阳外,宜加取
A.太冲、少商、上星 B.太冲、行间、侠溪 C.太冲、太溪、照海 D.太阳、外关、中渚 E.太阳、内庭、曲池 [判断题]低压验电前应先在有电部位上试验,以验证验电器或测电笔良好。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]增值税专用发票的发票联和抵扣联须加盖发票专用章或财务专用章。
[单项选择]下列属于计算机病毒特征的是( )。
A. 模糊性 B. 高速性 C. 传染性 D. 危急性 [单项选择]跳远比赛中,起跳板的长、宽、厚分别为()厘米。
A. 121~122、20、10 B. 120~122、20、10 C. 121~122、25、15 [单项选择]关于异位妊娠,最常见的原因为以下哪项()
A. 输卵管发育不良或功能异常 B. 输卵管周围的肿瘤压迫 C. 输卵管黏膜炎和周围炎 D. 宫内节育器或其他节育措施后 E. 助孕技术或受精卵游走 [单选题]直尖轨第一牵引点前与曲基本轨间隙大于()毫米应及时修理
A.0.2 B.0.3 C.0.4 D.0.5 [名词解释]视觉评定
[单项选择]企业发生的研究开发费用,形成无形资产的,按照无形资产成本摊销的比例为( )。
A. 100% B. 120% C. 150% D. 200% [单项选择]
The majority of people, about nine out of ten, are right-handed. (1) until recently, people who were left-handed were considered (2) , and once children showed this tendency they were forced to use their right hands. Today left-handedness is generally (3) , but it is still a disadvantage in a world (4) most people are right-handed. For example, most tools and implements are still (5) for right-handed people. [判断题]为保证安全,在给焊炬点火时,最好先开氧气,点燃后再开乙炔。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者,男,20岁。左踝部疼痛,行走时加重,喜温热,舌苔白,脉弦紧。治疗应首选()
A. 申脉、照海、昆仑、丘墟 B. 悬钟、照海、丘墟、三阴交 C. 太溪、昆仑、阳陵泉、解溪 D. 太冲、太溪、照海、悬钟 E. 昆仑、悬钟、阴陵泉、申脉 [单选题]直肠长度约为( )
A. 、5-10cm B.12-15cm C. 16-20cm D. 21-25cm E. 26-30cm [判断题]在白天,因吃饭或休息暂时中断变、配电所作业时,全部接地线可保留不动,但工作人员不以单独留在高压室内,暂时中断电线路作业时,如工作人员已离开现场,应派人看守工地。()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交