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发布时间:2024-07-03 02:53:01

[填空题]Do you mind __________________ (推迟这次会议到本季度末)

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[填空题]Do you mind ________________ (推迟这次会议到本季度末)

[单项选择]某企业1月份发生下列经济业务(不考虑相关税费):(1)本月购入材料共计7000元,将于本季度末支付。(2)销售产品一批,计货款20000元,当即收到15000元存入银行,其余货款暂欠。(3)以银行存款预付1-6月份固定资产租金6000元。(4)收到上月份的应收货款9000,存入开户银行。(5)收到购货单位预付的购货款8000元,存入开户银行,下月交货。(6)以库存现金支付管理部门办公用品费150元。(7)本月用电150000度,每度电0.80元,计120000元,以银行存款支付100000元,其余款暂欠。 按收付实现制计算,该企业1月份的收入为()元。
A. 20000
B. 32000
C. 106150
D. 128150
[多项选择] What do you do to unwind How do you relax your mind
[单项选择]Did you ever wonder why you see the colors you do or if other animals see the same colors that you see We see light that bounces off of things around us. When the light enters our eyes, special cells tell our brains about the light. These cells are called photoreceptors. Light is made of little bits called photons. When the sun shines, trillions and trillions of these little bits of light fall on the earth. The photons bounce off of almost everything and some of them enter our eyes. Those bits that enter our eyes allow us to see. So, where does the color come from Starting in the 1600s with Sir Isaac Newton, scientists have believed that there are different kinds of photons. Different types give rise to our sense of colors. The different photons are said to have different wavelengths. Sunlight contains all the different wavelengths of photons. The visible wavelength colors can be seen when you look at a rainbow. Raindrops acting as natural prisms produce the colors.
A. Red, white, and blue.
B. Red, green, and yellow.
C. Red, green, violet.
D. Red, green, blue.
[简答题]What do you think of team spirit Do you think you are a good team player
[单项选择]What do you do if you don’t get into your first choice of university That’s the dilemma that faces thousands of British students every year. Many candidates turn to Clearing, the service that helps find university places for students at the last moment. If they don’t have the marks to get into their first choice of institution, Clearing tells them about places available at other universities, though they might have to read another subject.
But this year has seen a record number of people applying to university. This, combined with the weak economy, an uncertain job market and budget cuts at universities, means that there’s been even more of a scramble for places than usual. Some sources say six students have applied for each remaining undergraduate university place.
The British university admissions service, UCAS, says up to a quarter of this year’s university applicants—almost 190,000 people—still don’t have a place on a degree course. That’s a rise of over 46,000 students f
A. more reading
B. submitting their application earlier
C. work experience
D. extra tests


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