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发布时间:2023-10-21 10:25:13

[填空题]Mr. Nathan,
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Tomorrow Mr. Nathan will conclude his visit to our company with round success. Our dinner this evening is to bid him farewell. Please allow me, on behalf of (代表) Master’ s Travel in Shanghai, to express our warm send-off to Mr. Nathan.
Mr. Nathan, during his brief stay in Shanghai, has given us many wonderful lectures on tourism. I take this opportunity to thank him for his instructive lectures. In order to improve our service in tourism, I sincerely hope Mr. Nathan will benefit us with his kind advice and valuable suggestion.
Mr. Nathan is leaving for America. I wish him a pleasant journey.
Now please raise your glasses and join me in a toast, to the continuing development of friendly cooperation between us, to the health of Mr. Nathan, to the health of all the American guests and to the health of all the ladies and gentlemen here.
1) Tomorrow (46) will finish his visit to our company with great success.
2) We

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[填空题]Mr. Nathan,
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Tomorrow Mr. Nathan will conclude his visit to our company with round success. Our dinner this evening is to bid him farewell. Please allow me, on behalf of (代表) Master’ s Travel in Shanghai, to express our warm send-off to Mr. Nathan.
Mr. Nathan, during his brief stay in Shanghai, has given us many wonderful lectures on tourism. I take this opportunity to thank him for his instructive lectures. In order to improve our service in tourism, I sincerely hope Mr. Nathan will benefit us with his kind advice and valuable suggestion.
Mr. Nathan is leaving for America. I wish him a pleasant journey.
Now please raise your glasses and join me in a toast, to the continuing development of friendly cooperation between us, to the health of Mr. Nathan, to the health of all the American guests and to the health of all the ladies and gentlemen here.
1) Tomorrow (46) will finish his visit to our company with great success.
2) We
Mr. Nathan,
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Tomorrow Mr. Nathan will conclude his visit to our company with round success. Our dinner this evening is to bid him farewell. Please allow me, on behalf of (代表) Master’ s Travel in Shanghai, to express our warm send-off to Mr. Nathan.
Mr. Nathan, during his brief stay in Shanghai, has given us many wonderful lectures on tourism. I take this opportunity to thank him for his instructive lectures. In order to improve our service in tourism, I sincerely hope Mr. Nathan will benefit us with his kind advice and valuable suggestion.
Mr. Nathan is leaving for America. I wish him a pleasant journey.
Now please raise your glasses and join me in a toast, to the continuing development of friendly cooperation between us, to the health of Mr. Nathan, to the health of all the American guests and to the health of all the ladies and gentlemen here.
1) Tomorrow{{U}} (46) {{/U}}will finish his vi
[简答题]Ladies and Gentlemen,
Merry Christmas!
This is the first Christmas day since our company’s opening here. Looking back over the previous year, I am grateful to you all for your great efforts which have made it possible for the company to make unexpected high achievements. On behalf of the board of directors, I would like to thank you again. Looking ahead, I believe we will have an even brighter future.

[填空题]Ladies and gentlemen,
It is my special pleasure to welcome our new staff member, Mr. simon anderson.He has come here from Australia。He has recently graduated from the North Bank University where he majored in TESL(teaching English as a Second Language).He is young and full of energy.
Mr. Anderson will be working mostly in our day-time classes.and he has also agreed to take some of our evening classes. He will be in hefei with us for at least two semesters.
Our mission(使命) of our college is to promote understanding and cooperation between
the young people of our two countries. By having people like Mr.Anderson.who are willing to give up the comfort of their friends in their own country to come to a strange country.we feel we are very lucky and that our mission will be all the more easily realized.
Mr. Anderson.the other faculy members and the rest of staff of this college join with me
in extending to you our sincerest welcome. we are indeed happy to have y
[简答题]Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen,
Thanks for the warm welcome. I appreciate very much the invitation to come today. I’m really glad to be back in this great city. It’s good to be in a room full of accomplished women.
I enjoy being in the company of entrepreneurs, risk-takers,dreamers and doers. You all share a lot of common experiences. You’ve met challenges of starting a business. And that’s hard. It required more time than you had in a day, more money than you kept in your bank, and more energy than you thought you had. But you chose an interesting life-you chose to lead. You chose to follow your dreams.
As we know, nearly half of all small businesses are owned by women. Firms owned by women are being started at more than twice the national rate. The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well. I appreciate your spirit. You’re making the country a better place by working as hard as you do.
This is a land of great wealth, and it’s a land of great opportuni


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