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发布时间:2023-12-24 21:58:35

[单项选择]Which of the following would the nurse expect to assess as presumptive signs of pregnancy
A. Amenorrhea and quickening.
B. A positive pregnancy test and a fetal outline.
C. Braxton Hicks contractions and Hegar’s sign.
D. Uterine enlargement and Chadwick’s sign.

更多"Which of the following would the nu"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which of the following would the nurse expect to include in a community health program designed to control sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)()
A. Mass screening of all individuals.
B. Location of the possible sources of infection.
C. Treatment of those with the disease.
D. Isolation of those suspected of having STDs.
[单项选择]Which of the following symptoms would the nurse most likely observe in a client with cholecystitis from cholelithiasis
A. Black stools.
B. Decreased white blood cell count.
C. Nausea after ingestion of high-fat foods.
D. Elevated temperature of 103°F(39.4℃).
[单项选择]Which of the following measures would the nurse take into consider to help minimize joint pain in a child with rheumatic fever( )
A. Massaging the affected joints.
B. Applying ice to the affected joints.
C. Limiting movement of the affected joints.
D. Encouraging progressive weight bearing.
[单项选择]Which of the following functions would the nurse expect to be unrelated to the placenta()
A. Production of estrogen and progesterone.
B. Detoxification of some drugs and chemicals.
C. Exchange site for food, gases, and waste.
D. Production of maternal antibodies.
[单项选择]Which of the following nurse responses would be endorsed by the American Nurses Association( )
A. A nurse promises a dying patient that he will do everything possible to keep her comfortable but that he cannot administer an injection or overdose to cause her death.
B. A nurse tells a dying patient who is on a ventilator that under no condition can he be removed from the ventilator because this is active euthanasia and it is expressly forbidden by the Code for Nurses.
C. After exhausting every intervention in her bag of tricks to keep a dying patient comfortable the nurse says, "I think you are now at a point where I’m prepared to do what you’ve been asking me. Let’s talk about when and how you want to die. "
D. In response to a patient who asks for assistance in committing suicide a nurse replies, "I’m personally opposed to assisted suicide but I’ll find you a colleague who can help you. /
[单项选择]Which of the following would the nurse interpret as indicating that a child is receiving too much intravenous fluid too rapidly()
A. Marked increase in abdominal girth.
B. Evidence of protein in the urine.
C. Dark amber colored urine.
D. Moist crackles in the lung fields.
[单项选择]Which of the following would the nurse do for a 4-year-old girl who has just had a lumbar puncture()
A. Administer narcotic analgesic for insertion site pain.
B. Encourage the parents to hold the child.
C. Ensure the child lies flat for at least 8 hours.
D. Place a sandbag over the puncture site for 3 hours.
[单项选择]Which of the following activities should the nurse discourage the client with a peptic ulcer()
A. Chewing gum.
B. Smoking cigarettes.
C. Eating chocolate.
D. Taking acetaminophen (Tylenol).
[单项选择]Which of the following techniques should the nurse use in working with individual depressed patients She should( )
A. Be aggressively cheerful
B. Indicate the patient’s good prognosis
C. Push the patient toward making decisions
D. Always give elaborate encouragement
[单项选择]Which of the following describes how the nurse interprets a neonate’s Apgar score of 8 at 5 minutes()
A. A neonate who is in good condition.
B. A neonate who is mildly depressed.
C. A neonate who is moderately depressed.
D. A neonate who needs additional oxygen to improve the Apgar score.
[单项选择]Which assessment would the nurse perform to validate that the membranes are ruptured
A. Observe for a pink, mucus vaginal discharge.
B. Test the leaking fluid with nitrazine paper.
C. Assess the client’s temperature, pulse, and blood pressure.
D. Send a urine specimen from the client to be cultured.
[单项选择]Which nursing diagnosis would the nurse anticipate as having the highest priority for the client with gestational diabetes in labor()
A. Risk for infection related to invasive procedures during labor.
B. Risk for injury to fetus related to the effects of diabetes on uteroplacental functioning.
C. Deficient knowledge related to lack of information about care during labor.
D. Interrupted family processes related to diabetes increasing the client’s risk of complications.
[单项选择]Which of the following nursing interventions would be included in the care of a client with anorexia nervosa as therapy progresses()
A. Let the client eat alone to avoid embarrassment.
B. Weigh the client once a week in the same clothing.
C. Monitor the client for self-destructive tendencies.
D. Praise the client for "looking better" and remind the client that she isn’t "too fat. ”
[单项选择]Which of the following pricing strategies would likely be used in a market where no other competitive products are available ?()
A. cost-based pricing
B. penetration pricing
C. predatory pricing
D. price skimming
E. defensive pricing
[单项选择]Which of the following nursing diagnoses would be most appropriate when teaching the mother of a toddler( )
A. Activity intolerance.
B. Risk for injury.
C. Delayed growth and development.
D. Impaired mobility.
[单项选择]Which of the following nursing measures would the nurse institute to help reduce eyelid edema in a child with nephrotic syndrome( )
A. Instill eye drops every 8 hours.
B. Limit the child’s television watching.
C. Apply cool compresses to the child’s eyes.
D. Elevate the head of the child’s bed.
[单项选择]Which of the following should the nurse include in a postoperative teaching plan for a client with a laryngectomy
A. Telling the client to speak by covering the stoma with a sterile gauze pad.
B. Reassuring the client that normal eating will be possible after healing has occurred.
C. Instructing the client to avoid coughing until the sutures are removed.
D. Instructing the client to control oral secretions by swabbing them with tissues or by expectorating into an emesis basin.


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