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发布时间:2024-08-01 00:54:11

[简答题]Read the following paragraph and underline the topic sentence.
The most vital difference between Muslims in America and their brothers in Europe is the U. S. enduring emphasis on religious liberty. Religion is given far more respect in the U.S. than in Europe. Think about it. The U.S. is in the midst of a resentful debate over immigration in which many Americans reject "hyphenated (带连字符的) identities" like Mexican-American as a threat to national unity. Yet while Protestant, Catholic and Jewish Americans may disagree strongly among themselves, the religious basis of their identity is not seriously questioned by anyone. If Muslim Americans are not so readily accepted today, "it is not because they are believers. In Europe, by contrast, Muslims are resented and marginalized precisely because their religion threatens strong secular (世俗的) values.

更多"Read the following paragraph and un"的相关试题:

[简答题]Read the following paragraph and underline the topic sentence.
Computers are useful in many ways. As we all know, scientists use computers to run experiments, analyze data, and solve large equations. Engineers use computers to automatically control complicated industrial production, design circuits and machine parts or even spaceships. Writers and editors use computers to write books, edit newspapers and magazines. And office workers use computers to manage files,send and receive e-mails,conduct statistical surveys of all kinds of information, etc. The list of computer applications is really endless, and more new applications are still developing.

the following paragraph and underline the TWO irrelevant sentences.
Air pollution has several damaging effects on the environment. It soils clothes and may even rot them.Flowers, shrubs, and trees don’t grow well in placeswhere there is too much air pollution. In addition, dirtyair sickens farm animals and has been known to damagefood crops. Soil erosion has decreased the land resources for growing plants, too.Further, it rusts metaland disfigures historic mouments and public buildings. Some of the statues, for exmnple, On Notre DameCathedral in France have begun to deteriorate as a resuit of prolonged exposute to polluted air. Notre DameWas built during the Middle Ages and is One of France’s most historic landmarks. Air pollution also destroysthe landscape beauty this earth abounds in by hiding itbehind a haze of filth. Finally, extended exposure to airpollution can also affect vision and breathing of humans. Even mild closes ot air pnllution have b

[简答题]Read the following paragraph carefully and select the best topic sentence from the four possible answers that follow the paragraph. Write the letter of your choice in the blank provided.
Topic Sentence :______
These memories of mine have been collected slowly, over a period of years. Some readers, finding them in a magazine, have taken them for stories. The assumption that I have "made them up" is surprisingly prevalent (流行的), even among people who know me. I do not understand the reason for these doubts. Can it be that the public takes for granted that anything written by a professional writer is necessarily untrue The professional writer is looked on perhaps as a "storyteller", like a child who has fallen into that habit and is mechanically scolded by his parents even when he protests that this time he is telling the truth.
A. I am essentially a story-teller.
B. I am often accused of telling lies.
C. The fact that I am a professional writer is often doubted b
[简答题]Read the following paragraph carefully and choose the best topic sentence from the four possible answers that follow the paragraph by writing A, B, C or D.
Topic Sentence.______
A few years ago, letter writing was the most important means of communication and people seldom made phone calls, especially in the rural areas, because there were not many telephones available. With the rapid development of China’ s economy, telecommunication service is badly needed. For example, when many young Chinese go abroad to work or to study, they want to get in touch with their folks regularly and easily. Private companies have mushroomed all over China; businessmen realize the importance of telephone. In the countryside, letters usually take several days or weeks, and much time will be wasted, so people have dreamed for many years to have telephone service. Since many families are getting rich, they can afford it now.
A. Nowadays, more and more people rely heavily on the telephone inst
[简答题]Section A Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.
[简答题]Section A Translate the following paragraph into Chinese. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.

Study the following paragraph carefully and write a letter in at least 100 words.
On September 9, 2004, Li Jin who is a student of Tsinghua University posed an offer to the Office of Graduate Admissions of Boston University. As an officer in it, you should write back to him.

[简答题]Directions: Put the following paragraph into Chinese. Write your Chinese version in the proper space on Answer Sheet Ⅱ.
Quitting smoking is more of a matter of willpower than of individual choice, for smoking is widely recognized as addictive. Although counseling and medication can increase the odds that a smoker quits permanently, the best way to avoid dilemmas is never to take up smoking to begin with.
The irreversible effects of cigarette smoking vary in intensity and are related both to the amount and duration of exposure and the age at which the person is initially exposeD. This report challenges the notion that a few years of exposure to smoking will have no lasting harmful consequences. We hope to discourage this prevalent but vital habit and suggest that tobacco-related health effects decline substantially as time away from smoking increase.

[简答题]Directions:Put the following paragraph into English. Write your English version in the proper space on Answer Sheet Ⅱ.
人们越来越意识到开发环保型产品的重要性。为实现长期可持续发展,发达国家应不 惜代价减少温室气体的排放。如果目前全球变暖的速度保持不变,东京和伦敦等大城市从 地球上消失的可能性将是20年前的10倍。

[简答题]Section B
Put the following paragraph into English.
[简答题]Section A
Put the following paragraph into Chinese.
When dominant innovators in a science respond to the challenge of a situation that demands some change in its practice, this may take a number of forms, and rival schools may grow up around different leaders responding differently to a particular situation. These rivalries may be reinforced and perpetuated by the use of standard textbooks. Any empirical science must be able to cope with its own phenomena, and once any observation is accepted as relevant, its theory and modes of description and analysis must be able to handle it with scientific adequacy, of which exhaustiveness, consistency, economy are basic principles. The extension of a science to new but relevant fields may require the further elaboration and presentation of existing theory along previously-followed lines.


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