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发布时间:2024-09-09 01:32:49

[填空题]{{B}} Classification of Lodging Places{{/B}} The tourist industry has its own system to classify different types of lodging places. Five categories of lodging places: {{U}} 1 {{/U}} 1. ______. They usually are multi-storied lodging facilities with twenty rooms to hundreds of rooms. They usually are found in {{U}} 2 {{/U}}. 2. ______. They offer porter service, room service, and parking service. {{B}}Motor Inns{{/B}} They usually are two to six-story holdings. They usually have a restaurant or a bar, and some provide luggage and room service. They usually are found near {{U}} 3 {{/U}} and the interstate highway system. 3. ______. {{B}}Motels{{/B}} They usually are small {{U}} 4 {{/U}}. 4. ______. They usually are found

更多"{{B}} Classificat"的相关试题:

[填空题]{{B}} Classification of Lodging Places{{/B}} The tourist industry has its own system to classify different types of lodging places. Five categories of lodging places: {{U}} 1 {{/U}} 1. ______. They usually are multi-storied lodging facilities with twenty rooms to hundreds of rooms. They usually are found in {{U}} 2 {{/U}}. 2. ______. They offer porter service, room service, and parking service. {{B}}Motor Inns{{/B}} They usually are two to six-story holdings. They usually have a restaurant or a bar, and some provide luggage and room service. They usually are found near {{U}} 3 {{/U}} and the interstate highway system. 3. ______. {{B}}Motels{{/B}} They usually are small {{U}} 4 {{/U}}. 4. ______. They usually are found
[单项选择]A. Free food and lodging. B. Learning English.
C. Staying with English families. D. Meeting young people.
{{B}}TEXT C{{/B}}

The making of classifications by literary historians can be a somewhat risky enterprise. When Black poets are discussed separately as a group, for instance, the extent to which their work reflects the development of poetry in general should not be forgotten, or a distortion of literary history may result. This reminder is particularly relevant in an assessment of the differences between Black poets at the turn of last century (1900—1909) and those of the generation of’ the 1920s. These differences include the bolder and more forthright speech of the later generation and its technical inventiveness. It should be remembered, though, that comparable differences ’also existed for similar generations of White poets.
When poets of the 1910s and 1920s are considered together, however, the distinctions that literary historians might make between "conservative" and "experimental" would be of little significance in a
A. Sarcastic.
B. Indifferent.
C. Cautious.
D. Critical.
[单项选择]Classification of vowels are made according to all the following EXCEPT
A. the openness of the mouth.
B. the position of the tongue.
C. the shape of the lip.
D. the sound of the vowels.
[单项选择]Which classification of drugs is the most potentially fatal if the client takes an overdose()
A. Antihistamines.
B. Dopaminergics.
C. Phenothiazine antipsychotics.
D. Tricyclic antidepressants.

In medicine, blood type is the classification of red blood cells by the presence of specific substances on their surface. In the early part of the 20th century, physicians discovered that blood transfusions often failed because the blood type of the recipient was not compatible with that of the donor. In 1901 the Austrian doctor Karl Landsteiner classified blood types and discovered that the hereditary blood factor is of great importance in blood transfusions because it creates reactions that can threaten the life of newborn infants.
The four blood types are known as A, B, AB, and O. Blood type A contains red blood cells that have a substance A on their surface. This type of blood also contains an antibody directed against substance B, which can be found on the red cells of persons with blood type B. Type B blood contains the opposite things. Blood type AB contains neither antibody, but red cells in this type of blood contain both A and B substances. In type O blood, neit
A. his father or his mother
B. his mother and his father
C. his grandparents
D. himself


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