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发布时间:2023-12-21 19:33:51

{{B}}TEXT E{{/B}}

Literature and Life
In a reaction against a too-rigid, over-refined classical curriculum, some educational philosophers have swung sharply to an espousal of "life experience" as the sole source of learning. Using their narrow interpretation of John Dewey’s theories as a base for support, they conclude that only through "doing" can learning take place. Spouting such phrases as "Teach the child, not the subject," they demand, without sensing its absurdity, an end to rigorous study as a means of opening the way to learning. While not all adherents to this approach would totally eliminate a study of great hooks, the influence of this philosophy has been felt in the public school curricula, as evidenced by the gradual subordination of great literature.
What is the purpose of literature Why read, if life alone is to be our teacher James Joyce states that the artist reveals the human si
A. the recounting of dramatic and exciting stories, and the creation of characters
B. to create anew a synthesis of life that illuminates the human condition
C. the teaching of morality and ethical behavior
D. to portray life’s problem

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{{B}}TEXT E{{/B}}

Literature and Life
In a reaction against a too-rigid, over-refined classical curriculum, some educational philosophers have swung sharply to an espousal of "life experience" as the sole source of learning. Using their narrow interpretation of John Dewey’s theories as a base for support, they conclude that only through "doing" can learning take place. Spouting such phrases as "Teach the child, not the subject," they demand, without sensing its absurdity, an end to rigorous study as a means of opening the way to learning. While not all adherents to this approach would totally eliminate a study of great hooks, the influence of this philosophy has been felt in the public school curricula, as evidenced by the gradual subordination of great literature.
What is the purpose of literature Why read, if life alone is to be our teacher James Joyce states that the artist reveals the human si
A. the gradual subordination of the study of great literature in the schools
B. a narrowed interpretation of the theories of John Dewey
C. a sharp swing over to "learning through doing"
D. an end to rigorous study as a way of learning
{{B}}TEXT E{{/B}}

Some recent historians have argued that life in the British colonies in America from approximately 1763 to 1789 was marked by internal conflicts among colonists. Inheritors of some of the viewpoints of early twentieth century Progressive historians such as Beard and Becker, these recent historians have put forward arguments that deserve evaluation. The kind of conflict most emphasized by these historians is class conflict. Yet with the Revolutionary War dominating these years, how does one distinguish class conflict within that larger conflict Certainly not by the side a person supported. Although many of these historians have accepted the earlier assumption that Loyalists represented an upper class, new evidence indicates that Loyalists, like rebels, were drawn from all socioeconomic class. (It is nonethel
A. potentially verifiable
B. partially justified
C. logically contradictory
D. ingenious but flawed
{{B}}TEXT E{{/B}}

Joseph Machlis says that the blues is a native American musical and verse form, with no direct European and African antecedents of which we know. In other words, it is a blending of both traditions. Something special and entirely different from either of its parent traditions. (Although Alan Lomax cites some examples of very similar songs having been found in Northwest Africa, particularly among the Wolof and Watusi)
The word ’blue’ has been associated with the idea of melancholia or depression since the Elizabethan era. The American writer, Washington Irving is credited with coining the term’ the blues,’ as it is now defined, in 1807. The earlier (almost entirely Negro) history of the blues musical tradition is traced through oral tradition as far back as the 1860s.
When African and European mus
A. It came from African tradition
B. American natives created the blues independently
C. It was associated with the idea of mental diseases
D. It was actually affected by the two traditions
{{B}}TEXT E{{/B}}

Researchers have established that when people are mentally engaged, biochemical changes occur in the brain that allow it to act more effectively in cognitive areas such as attention and memory. This is true regardless of age.
People will be alert and receptive if they are faced with information that gets them to think about things they are interested in. And someone with a history of doing more rather than less will go into old age more cognitively sound than someone who has not had an active mind.
Many expert are so convinced of the benefits of challenging the brain that they are putting the theory to work in their own lives." The idea is no necessarily to learn to memorize enormous amounts of information," says James Fozard, associate director of the National Institute on Aging. "Most of us don
A. who can remember large amounts of information
B. who are highly intelligent
C. whose minds are alert and receptive
D. who are good at recognizing different sounds
{{B}}TEXT E{{/B}}

Whimsical Nature endowed the Moncton region in Southeastern New Brunswick with an enviable bonanza of oddities. On the seashore at Hopewell Cape, strange reddish rock formations rise like giant Polynesian heads eighty feet in the air-monuments sculpted by tides and winds and frost over countless centuries to fill the aboriginal Indians with awe and inspire their legends. The high domes of some statues are thatched with balsam fir and dwarf black spruce, which always prompts children to ask how the trees got up there.
At Demoiselle Creek a few miles from Hillsborough is a subterranean lake of undetermined size, low-roofed by dripping stone icicles. The white gypsum floor of the lake emerges startlingly visible through the clear water. To step into the cavern entrance on a hot summer day is like unexpect
A. New Brunswick
B. Ontario
C. Alberta
D. Halifax
{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

23 Chestnut Ave. ,
Wellington, Shropshire.
Wednesday, 5th October
Dear Joe,
I’m afraid this won’t be a very cheerful letter because at the moment I’m feeling absolutely fed up. It’s the usual story; this morning I had another quarrel with my mother. Well, to tell you the truth, it wasn’t really a quarrel, because I just shut up and didn’t say a word, which always angers her. Anyway, what happened was that she came into my bedroom and started shouting at me because I had thrown my dress over the chair instead of hanging it up properly. Well, she is right of course, but on the other hand I’m so busy at the moment with exams and one thing and another that I really haven’t got time to do everything right. I kn
A. Close friends.
B. Teacher and student.
C. Brother and sister.
D. Classmates.


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