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发布时间:2024-06-04 00:31:37

[单项选择]-What’s the matter, Tom You look sad.
-Nothing, I ( )about my parents back home.
A. just thought
B. just been thinking
C. was just thinking
D. have just thought

更多"-What’s the matter, Tom You look sa"的相关试题:

[单项选择]-So, what’s the matter with you then
-Oh, nothing ( ).
-Why’s that I thought you were pleased about the new job and going to Paris.
-Yes, I am. It’s just that I’ve been here for so long and it’s hard to think of anywhere else as home.
A. I’ve been so excited to get the news about moving.
B. I’m just a bit fed up really.
C. I’ve just quarreled with one of my colleagues.
D. I’ve had a bad cough recently.
[单项选择]What does Tom mean
A. He suggests that the woman go to the library.
B. He suggests that the woman shouldn’t read.
C. He wants to stop the noise.

M: Do you know Tom
W: Tom what
M: Tom Smith.
W: No. But I know Tim Smith.
M: Oh, yes, you are right. It was Tim Smith, I meant. You know what happened to him the other day
W: No, what happened then
M: Well, he told me he saw his dead grandfather in London.
W: Oh, come on. You are not telling a ghost story, are you
M: But he told me it was true. You see, his grandfather used to be an army officer during the war. And because he didn’t return home after the war, everybody thought he had been killed in the war.
W: But then, he suddenly appeared alive, like in those films.
M: Exactly. Tom, oh no, Tim, told me that by chance he saw an old man at the railway station selling newspapers. And he was surprised to see someone like his great grandfather in a picture he had seen. So naturally he went to the man and asked him whether his name was Smith. And the man, I mean, his grandfather, said yes, and after
A. A film.
B. A real story.
C. A ghost story.

[单项选择]What is Tom doing now
A. He is borrowing some books.
B. He is reading some books.
C. He is returning some books.
[单项选择]What has Tom already done
[单项选择]What was Tom doing in February
A. He was on a field trip.
B. He was vacationing in Florida.
C. He was studying most of the time.
D. He was vacationing at home.

What is Tom going to study
[单项选择]What did Tom do last night
A. He went to the party.
B. He did his homework.
C. He helped his mother do the housework.
[单项选择]What does Tom think of studying medicine
A. It’s interesting.
B. It’s too much hard work.
C. It’s terrible.
D. It’s borin
[单项选择]What is Tom going to do next
A. Finish his homework.
B. Cut grass.
C. Plant trees.
D. Buy groceries.
[单项选择]What do Tom and Jane mainly discuss
A. Tom’s test.
B. Jane’s research paper.
C. Go swimming at the Student Center.
D. Plans for the evening.
[单项选择]What was the matter with you this morning You looked ______ you hadn’t slept for the last 24 hours.
[A] as if [B] that [C] so as [D] like that


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