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发布时间:2024-09-09 01:06:37

While much of the United States of America put Prohibition to rest 73 years ago, large parts of the South have remained strictly off-limits to alcohol sales.
But local and national business interests that {{U}}stand to profit from{{/U}} the sale of alcohol, including real estate developers, grocery chains, restaurant groups and Wal-Mart, are combining their {{U}}political and financial muscle{{/U}} to try to persuade hundreds of dry towns and counties to go wet. In the process, {{U}}they{{/U}} are changing the face of the once staunchly prohibitionist Bible Belt.
Attempts by Wal-Mart and others to allow alcohol sales in other places that remain dry—415 counties in the South and in Kansas still prohibit such sales—are meeting fierce resistance from some church groups and religious leaders. {{U}}They{{/U}} argue that returning to the days when li
A. restaurant group
B. business interest
C. real estate developer
D. grocery chains owner

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While much of the United States of America put Prohibition to rest 73 years ago, large parts of the South have remained strictly off-limits to alcohol sales.
But local and national business interests that {{U}}stand to profit from{{/U}} the sale of alcohol, including real estate developers, grocery chains, restaurant groups and Wal-Mart, are combining their {{U}}political and financial muscle{{/U}} to try to persuade hundreds of dry towns and counties to go wet. In the process, {{U}}they{{/U}} are changing the face of the once staunchly prohibitionist Bible Belt.
Attempts by Wal-Mart and others to allow alcohol sales in other places that remain dry—415 counties in the South and in Kansas still prohibit such sales—are meeting fierce resistance from some church groups and religious leaders. {{U}}They{{/U}} argue that returning to the days when li
A. most of the American states were prohibited to take a rest
B. the United States of America prohibited others from rest
C. the United States of America prohibited alcohol sales
D. most states in the country began to allow alcohol sales
[简答题] The vast expanse of the United States of America stretches from the heavily industrialized, metropolitan Atlantic seaboard across the rich flat farms of the central plains, over the Rocky Mountains to the fertile west coast, then halfway across the Pacific to the balmy (温和的) island-state of Hawaii. The American scene awes the viewer with both its variety and size. The continental United States (not counting outlying Alaska and Hawaii) measures, 4,500 kilometers from its Atlantic to Pacific coasts, 2,575 kilometers from Canada to Mexico. The entire nation (all 50 states) covers an area of 9 million square kilometers and has a population of 220 million people. The sparsely settled, far-northern state of Alaska is the largest of America’’s 50 states. It is more than two and a half times the size of Sichuan province. Texas, in the southern part of the country, is second in size. Texas is half the size of Alaska. A land of heavy forests (311 million hectares) and barren desert
[填空题]The United States spend much more money on programs to prevent diseases than on treatment for diseases.
While much of the attention on fighting AIDS and other diseases in poor countries has focused on access to affordable drugs, concern is now shifting to the question of who exactly, will deliver them. Unfortunately, there is a severe shortage of doctors, nurses and other health-care workers in these countries. According to a report published in this week’s Lancet by the Joint Learning Initiative (JLI), an international consortium of academic centres and development agencies, sub-Saharan Africa has only one-tenth the number Of nurses and doctors per head of population that Europe does, though its health-care problems are far mom pressing. (47) The reasons for this are tw07fold, and well known—not enough health-care workers are trained in the fast place, and too many of those who are trained then leave for better-paid jobs in the rich world. What the report does is to put some numbers on these problems.
A mere 5,000 doctors, it finds,


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