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发布时间:2024-08-01 00:03:00

[多项选择]In the last 20 years, the assessment of students has undergone major transformation. Many educational institutions no longer use formal examinations as a means of assessment as they believe formal examination recruits are an unfair indication of a student’s ability. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement Write an essay of about 400 words, commenting and expressing your views on the following topic;
In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.

更多"In the last 20 years, the assessmen"的相关试题:

[简答题]In the last 20 years, the assessment of students has undergone major transformation. Many educational institutions no longer use formal examinations as a means of assessment as they believe formal examination recruits are an unfair indication of a student’s ability. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement Write an essay of about 400 words, commenting and expressing your views on the following topic; {{B}}FORMAL EXAMINATION OUTDATED{{/B}} In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.

M: How many students took the last English test
W: 570 students took the exam, but half of them failed.

How many students passed the exam ( )
A. 280.
B. 570.
C. 285.
[单项选择]Last week 29 earnest American high school students were invited to an evening of receiving good words, small talk, warm toasts and fancy silverware.
"Find out something about the person sitting next to you," advised former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. "Eventually, you’ll discover they always have something interesting to say. And you should always use the proper silverware in the proper order. "
Albright was the guest of honor at the imitated Official Dinner, which was a lot like a real official dinner in Washington minus the soft money.
The evening was sponsored by the St. Albans School of Public Services to introduce its first class to the fine art of social survival.
More than 84 guests, including students, teachers, school donors and speakers, gathered to replicate the lifestyle of the rich and political.
The idea was to teach the social graces that will help students survive any social situation.
Anyway, the whole proper fork thing
A. to see the life style of the rich and political
B. to discuss international and public policy issues
C. to learn to survive in different social situations
D. to learn to become the future leaders of the White House
[填空题]How many years do students have to study at community college in the United States
  • A. 4.
  • B. 3.
  • C. 2.
  • D. 1.


For years, students were assured that with a college degree in hand they could acquire an excellent job. However, in recent years, several developments have signaled the beginning of a change in the supply-demand relationship in the services of education. Teachers with terminal degrees far outnumber the available teaching positions in many disciplines. The chairman of a science department today may receive three to four hundred applications for a position that once attracted only half a dozen. States are closing down some colleges and requiring others to cut back on undergraduate and graduate programs. Higher education is well into a buyer’s market. With the realization that higher education has lost its boasted position in the eyes of the public, administrations of colleges and universities must be prepared to enter into competition with all other supplies of products and services. Private institutions in the long run, have no alternative but to satisfy their custom
A. Students still believe they can get a good job if they have a college degree now.
B. Students believed they were sure to get a good job if they had a college degree in hand.
C. Good jobs are only given to the people who have college degrees.
D. Many good jobs have disappeared in recent years.

[单项选择]What is needed for the last years
A. Evidence of social status.
B. Evidence of financial status.
C. Evidence of students visa.
D. Evidence of visa application.
[填空题]More than one thousand years ago, students were sent to Japan to study Confucianism.
[单项选择]Two hundred years ago, American students went to American schools. Like you, they studied arithmetic, spelling and geography. Unlike you, they also studied Greek and Latin. In fact, students spent more than half their time studying Greek and Latin.
The same was true for most students in Europe. Until the seventh century, all educated Europeans knew Latin. It did not matter if they lived in England or Italy or France or Spain. If they were educated, they knew Latin.
During the seventh century, educated Europeans began to study Greek as well as Latin. Greek and Latin had been the leading languages of the ancient Greeks and Romans. All educated Europeans were expected to know these languages.
To educated Europeans, the languages of the Greeks and the Romans were important. The ideas of the Greeks and Romans were also important. People knew that many of their own ideas had come from the Greeks and the Romans. To understand their own culture, they must understand its origin.
A. physical science and chemistry
B. Greek and Latin
C. democracy and communism
D. French and Spanish


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