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发布时间:2023-11-16 01:17:35

[填空题]From that you would get angry with your friends, we can conclude you still ______ (在意他的友情).

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[填空题]From that you would get angry with your friends, we can conclude you still ______ (在意他的友情).


M: Hi, Mary. Did you get a letter from your family
W: Not today. I just wrote them the day before yesterday so I am not really expecting to hear from them until next week. This is a telephone bill.

What did the woman say about a letter( ).
A. That she did not get a letter from her family today.
B. That she got a letter from her family two days ago.
C. That she got a letter from her family today.
D. That she doesn’t get any letter from her family.

M:Did you get a letter from your family,Jane
W:Not today.I wrote to them yesterday,so I was not really expecting to hear from them till next week.

What do we learn from this conversation ()
A. Jane got a 1etter from her home today.
B. Jane is expecting a letter from her family.
C. Jane wrote a 1etter to her family today.
D. Jane wrote a letter to her family yesterday.

Interviewer: Where do you get your idea from, Mrs. Rowling
Rowling: I wish I knew. Sometimes they just come like magic and other times I have to sit and think for weeks before I manage to work out how something will happen. Where the idea for Harry Potter actually came from I really couldn’t tell you. I was just traveling on a train
between Manchester and London and it just popped into my head. I spent four hours thinking about what Hogwarts would be like—the most interesting train journey I’ve ever taken. By the time I got off at King’s Cross many of the characters in the books had already been invented.
Interviewer: Are any of the characters in the books based on real people
Rowling: Tricky question! The answer is yes, and no. I have to confess that Hermione Granger is a little bit like I was at her age, though I was neither as clever nor as annoying. Ron is a little bit like my oldest friends and Professor Snape is a lot

[多项选择]You have to get a book from your friend, but he is out. Write a note of about 60 words telling why you are so hurried to take the book
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy.

[填空题]You get news from it.

[填空题]You can borrow money from your relatives when you conduct your jab search, because you are sure ______.

[简答题]If you are conscious of being angry, keep your mouth shut so that you can hold back rising anger. (Passage Three)

W: How do you get to your office every day Do you walk
M: No, it’s too far to walk. I usually take the bus since the bus stop is just at the corner near my house.

How does he usually get to his office ()
A. By taxi.
B. By bus.
C. On foot.
D. By train.
[单项选择]Speaker A:I saw your boss was angry with you. What happened
Speaker B: ______. He was just in a bad mood.
A. Nothing in particular
B. You said it
C. Here you go
D. I’m quite surprised
What information do you get from the conversation
[单项选择]How did your friend get you to babysit her kids for the weekend, or your sister talk you into hosting the next book club meeting They probably asked when you were anxious about a work project or stressed about making an impending mortgage payment.
Stress, however, isn’t traditionally associated with altruism. When self-discipline wanes, such as when you are hurried, hungry or distracted, you are less likely to be helpful to strangers (if you’re late for an appointment, you’re probably not stopping to help the person who just dropped the contents of his briefcase). That makes intuitive sense: helping someone you are unlikely to ever see again when you feel least in control of your own life isn’t likely to be productive.
Yet such selfishness seems at odds with the need for cooperation in a social species that relies on support from others for survival. So researchers have suspected that this pattern may only hold true for strangers—and that stress and
A. will pursue their own well-beings to be more independent
B. have common interests and share them with each other
C. prefer to sacrificing to promote the well-being of their counterpart
D. often have plans to go out and fully enjoy their vacations


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