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发布时间:2023-10-21 15:52:11

[单项选择]Under the 1996 constitution, all 11 of South Africa’s official languages "must enjoy equality of esteem and be treated equitably". In practice English, the mother tongue of just 8% of the people, increasingly dominates all the others. Its hegemony may even threaten the long-term survival of the country’s African languages, spoken as the mother tongue of 80% of South Africans, despite the government’s repeated promises to promote and protect indigenous languages and culture.
Under apartheid, there were just two official languages, English and Afrikaans, a variant of Dutch with a dash of French, German, Khoisan (spoken by so-called Bushmen and Hottentots), Malay and Portuguese. Pre-colonial African languages were relegated to the black townships and tribal "homelands". Even there, English was often chosen as the medium of education in preference to the inhabitants’ mother tongues. Black South Africans increasingly rejected Afrikaans as the language of the main oppressor; English was
A. commercial value
B. great value for livelihood
C. power and success
D. civilization and reputation

更多"Under the 1996 constitution, all 11"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Under the 1996 constitution, all 11 of South Africa’s official languages "must enjoy equality of esteem and be treated equitably". In practice English, the mother tongue of just 8% of the people, increasingly dominates all the others. Its hegemony may even threaten the long-term survival of the country’s African languages, spoken as the mother tongue of 80% of South Africans, despite the government’s repeated promises to promote and protect indigenous languages and culture.
Under apartheid, there were just two official languages, English and Afrikaans, a variant of Dutch with a dash of French, German, Khoisan (spoken by so-called Bushmen and Hottentots), Malay and Portuguese. Pre-colonial African languages were relegated to the black townships and tribal "homelands". Even there, English was often chosen as the medium of education in preference to the inhabitants’ mother tongues. Black South Africans increasingly rejected Afrikaans as the language of the main oppressor; English was
A. ascendancy
B. ownership
C. influence
D. reputation
[填空题]The size and cost of the problem in southern Africa.
[单项选择]When will President Bush leave for his 5-day African tour.’
[填空题]All the men were under heavy ______ working day and night. (press)

The Federal Government
The Constitution
When America broke away from Britain in 1775, she did not adopt a British Constitution. The British have always had an unwritten constitution, whereas every item of the American Constitution is clearly written down and numbered, and can only be changed by a two-thirds majority vote of Congress.
Yet in their different ways, the American and British forms of government did have one thing in common. They were both democratiC.As for American society, it was more democratic than British society, in that it paid less attention to class or wealth.
Political Parties
There are two major political parties in the USA, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. The policies of the two parties are not basically opposed to one another. Inside both parties there moderates and right-wringers, though the Democrats still have the reputatio
A. constitutional
B. unconstitutional
C. democratic
D. interested in class and wealth

[单项选择]The author regards the writing of the Constitution as a ______.

A. revolution of the magnitude of French revolution
B. miracle created by a collection of typical free man
C. victory of the 18th century
D. defeat for the forces of evil
[单项选择]The American Constitution was finally adopted in 1789 by a narrow margin on the understanding that ______ after the Constitution came into force.
A. Washington would be president of the U.S.
B. the House of Representatives would be elected by each state
C. a Bill of Rights would be amended
D. each state would be equally represented in the Senate

The federal entity created by the Constitution is by far the dominant feature of the American governmental system. (1) the system itself is in reality a mosaic, (2) of thousands of smaller units--building blocks which together (3) the whole. There are 50 state governments (4) the government of the District of Columbia, and further down the ladder are still smaller units, (5) counties, cities, towns and villages. This (6) of governmental units is best understood (7) the evolution of the United States. The federal system, it has been seen, was the last step in the (8) process. Prior to its creation, there were the governments of the (9) colonies (later states) and prior to (10) , the governments of counties and smaller units. One of the first tasks (11) by the early English settlers was the creation of governmental units for the tiny (12) they established along the Atlantic coast. Even before the Pilgrims
A. intuitive
B. unfinished
C. untouched
D. unfavorable


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