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发布时间:2023-12-01 21:13:42

[单项选择]Where shall the woman get off
A. Customer and merchant.
B. Passenger and conductor.
C. Bus driver and conductor.

更多"Where shall the woman get off"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Where shall the woman get off
A. The place next to the Theatre.
B. A stop at the Theatre.
C. At the comer of the Theatre.
[单项选择]Where does the woman have to get off
A. At the Bank of China.
B. At the post office.
C. At the second bus-stop.
[单项选择]Where did the woman get the information about the "smart" car
A. From an advertisement.
B. From an article.
C. From a TV program.
D. From a friend.

Man: Where shall we go
Woman: Since there isn’t any homework for today, let’s go to the movies instead of going home.

Question: What are they going to do()
A. Go home.
B. Do the homework.
C. Go to movie.
D. Leave home.

Man: Where shall we go
Woman: Since there isn’t any homework for today, let’s go to the movies instead of going home.

What are they going to do ()
A. Go home.
B. Do the homework.
C. Go to movie.
D. Leave home.
[单项选择]Where can the woman get the details about the application( )
A. From the university newspaper.
B. From the booklet the man offers.
C. From the email the man will send her.
[单项选择]Where should the man get off( ).
A. At the next stop.
B. At the next stop but one.
C. Right here.

M:Where shall we eat dinner tonight Shall we try that new italian restau rant
W:I can’t eat anything. I feel terrible. My head aches.
M:You must be sick .You might have the flu. A headache is one sign of the flu.
W:I don’t know any doctors here.
M:I have a good doctor, I can make an appointment for you.

What do we learn from the man’s reply()
A. He insists that the woman should go to the dinner
B. He can do something about the woman’s headache
C. He is indifferent to the woman
D. He is very much concerned about the woman
[单项选择]What did the woman get
A. An "A" and a "C".
B. A "C".
C. An "A" and a "B".
D. An "A".
[单项选择]Where does the woman suggest that the man get change
A. A1 the jewelry’ store.
B. From the bank.
C. From a change machine.
D. Down the hall.

M: Where shall we go for our holiday this year
W: Let’s have a change. I’m tired of Spain. How about Italy or Greece

Where did they probably go for their holiday last year ()
A. Greece.
B. Spain.
C. Italy.
D. None of the above.
[单项选择]How did the woman get something
[单项选择]Husband: Shall I get something for dinner tonight, dear I may drop over at the super-market on my way back home. Wife: Oh, yes. I appreciate it._____
A. Why don’t you get some meat
B. Could you get me some eggs in the fridge
C. It’s nice of you to fix dinner.
D. I’d like a chicken burger, please.

M: Where shall we go for our holiday this year W: We’re going to Spain, aren’t we M: No, let’s have a change. I’m tired of Spain. How about Italy or Greece W: We can go to Greece if you like.

Where did they probably go for their holiday last year ( )
A. Greece.
B. Spain.
C. Italy.
D. None of the above.
When can the woman get her photos


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