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发布时间:2024-03-27 21:58:54

[单项选择]Success as______by economic output bears no close relationship to human achievement.
A. decided
B. achieved
C. assured
D. measured

更多"Success as______by economic output "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Success as ______ by economic output bears no close relationship to human achievement.
A. decided
B. achieved
C. assured
D. measured

Germany’s economic success presents something of an educational puzzle. On the one hand, its schools turn out a workforce capable of producing the goods that have made its companies the export champions of the world. On the other hand, the academic achievements of its school children, measured in international tests, look only moderate. The reading abilities of German 15-year-old, according to the PISA studies published by the OECD, are below the average for rich countries. In a world where brainpower matters more and more, how does German business thrive The answer is that a combination of schooling and apprenticeship has proved a reliable supplier and shaper of the sort of labor German businesses need to make goods of high quality, even as similar jobs have disappeared in other rich economies. At the age of 10 or 11 about two-fifths of children are selected to go to a Gymnasium. A lot of these go eventually to universities. Most who do not, and many of those at least acad
A. Indifferent
B. Doubtful
C. Pessimistic
D. Neutral

[单项选择]Germany’s economic success presents something of an educational puzzle. On the one hand, its schools turn out a workforce capable of producing the goods that have made its companies the export champions of the world. On the other hand, the academic achievements of its school children, measured in international tests, look only moderate. The reading abilities of German 15-year-old, according to the PISA studies published by the OECD, are below the average for rich countries. In a world where brainpower matters more and more, how does German business thrive The answer is that a combination of schooling and apprenticeship has proved a reliable supplier and shaper of the sort of labor German businesses need to make goods of high quality, even as similar jobs have disappeared in other rich economies. At the age of 10 or 11 about two-fifths of children are selected to go to a Gymnasium. A lot of these go eventually to universities. Most who do not, and many of those at least academic schools
A. German companies can produce goods of the best quality in the world
B. German education pays much attention to students’ skill training
C. the education system can stably provide personnel needed by German business
D. there are some kinds of trades in Germany that don’t exist in other rich countries
[单项选择]Because of the economic crisis, industrial output in the region remained ______.
A. motionless
B. inactive
C. stagnant
D. immobile
[单项选择]She was close to success.
A. fast
B. quick
C. near
D. tight

Economic Recovery on the Way

Economic experts are predicting that the poorly performing domestic economy will recover in the next financial quarter. After months of economic recession, local companies (44) to make larger profits. Ted Wilder, a leading authority in the field, suggests that the reasons for the positive outlook can largely be attributed to recent (45) .
Laws enacted by the federal government last month granting benefits and subsidies to the manufacturing industry have greatly increased production, leading to record numbers of goods being shipped overseas. The (46) . in exports is also having a positive impact on the rest of the economy.

A. are expected
B. have expected
C. is expected
D. had expected
[填空题]The Asian Economic Crisis triggered the economic depression in the U.S.
[填空题]Economic theory can direct the economic decision such as decisions about rent control, ______and minimum wage.

[简答题]Economic theory predicts the results of economic decisions such as decisions about farm production, rent control, and the minimum wage. (Para. 4, Passage Three)


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