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发布时间:2024-08-27 07:43:37

[填空题]A ______ brought the banana to America.

更多"A ______ brought the banana to Amer"的相关试题:

[单项选择]( ) in India, the banana was brought to the America by the Portuguese who found it in Africa.
A. Originally cultivated
B. Originally being cultivated
C. Having originally cultivated
D. Although it originally cultivated
[填空题]The color of banana.
[填空题]The banana harvest lasts twenty days.

[单项选择]What does the woman say about the banana pie
A. She doesn’t like it much.
B. She has tasted it many times.
C. She feels it taste good.
[填空题]According to the passage, the banana beer comes from ______.

[填空题]A banana has more food value than an apple.

[单项选择]An accidental discovery has brought seismologists (地震学家) one step closer to being able to predict earthquakes. As part of an unrelated effort to measure underground changes caused by shifts in barometric pressure (大气压力), a team of researchers found that increases in subterranean pressure (地 下压力)preceded earthquakes along California’s San Andreas Fault (断层) by as much as 10 hours. If follow-up tests advance the findings, seismologists may eventually be able to provide a few hours’ notice for people to find safe places prior to quakes.
Researchers used a high-tech equivalent of a stereo speaker lowered into a bore hole near Parkfield, Calif., a half-mile deep and five yards from a measuring device. For two months beginning in late 2005, researchers transmitted pulse signals three times per second, from the speaker to the measuring device, calculating travel time between the two stations. Surprised scientists learned the seismic waves slowed dramatically on only two occasions:two hou
A. the importance of predicting earthquakes
B. a new method to predict earthquakes
C. the great damages caused by earthquakes
D. a traditional method to predict earthquakes


[单项选择]The message is clear: Just as tea and banana cant’t go together, ______ should the son of a low-class family expect to marry the daughter of a nobleman.
A. either B. not C. neither D. nor
[填空题]Henry: Which do you prefer, a pear or a banana Alice: ______
[简答题]Tourism was brought sharply into international focus at the end of the Second World War. Within a mere 20 years of the industry’s take-off, international tourism displayed nearly all the characteristics of its manufacturing counterpart--it was mass, standardized and rigidly packaged. By the mid-1970s,tourism was being produced along assembly-line principles, similar to the automobile industry, with tourists consuming travel and leisure services in a similar robot-like and routine manner. Understanding the evolution of mass tourism, and the factors that created it, are key to understanding the industry’s transformation.
[填空题]Many social consequences brought forth by electronic proximity include ______.


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