Riches and Romance From France’s Wine Harvest{{/B}} September is harvest time. And with bunches of grapes swinging (摇滚) in the wind, the vineyards of southern France are getting ready to celebrate it. The yearly wine festival is held in honour of Bacchus, the Roman god of wine. It’s a fun time with parties, music, dancing, big meals and, of course, lots of wine. French wine-making began more than 2,500 years ago. The world’s oldest type of vine grows in France and always produces a good quality wine. Today France produces one fifth of the world’s wine, and some of the most famous varieties. The top wine-producing areas are Bordeaux, Burgundy and the Loire Valley. Champagne, a drink used in celebrations, is named after the place where sparkling (有气泡的)wine was firs [判断题]点式后备模式下,站台/车控室紧停按钮与屏蔽门状态只会影响信号机显示,不会造成列车紧急制动。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]发生车票误售误购时,在中途站或列车上发现因误售、误购需退还票价,凭( )乘车到正当到站退款。
A.原票 B.客运记录 C.车站证明 D.列车证明 [判断题]燃烧产物在一定条件下有阻燃作用;可以为火情侦察提供依据。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在线路上施工和作业时,应在140km/h及以上运行列车通过时前( )停止作业,做好避让措施。
A.5 min B..8 min C.10 min D. 12min [判断题]带电流截止负反馈的转速闭环系统不是单闭环系统。
A.客户要求 B.电网的规划 C.用电需求 D.当地的供电条件 [单项选择]A
The difference between being a manager and being a leader is simple. Management is a career. Leadership is a calling. You don’’t have to be tall, well-spoken and good looking to be a successful leader. You don’’t have to have that "special something" to fulfill the leadership role.
What you have to have is clearly defined convictions—and, more importantly, the courage of your convictions to see them manifest into reality. Only when you understand your role as guide and steward based on your own most deeply held truths can you move from manager to leader.
Whether the group you oversee is called employees, associates, co-workers, teammates or anything else, what they are looking for is someone in whom they can place their trust. Someone they know is working for the greater good—for them and for the organization. They’’re looking for someone not only that they can—but that they want to—follow.
Because it is only when you have followers—people who have
A. 志室、太溪 B. 次髎、膈俞 C. 风池,腰阳关 D. 命门、太冲 E. 太溪,肝俞 [单选题]从事配电相关工作的( )应遵守并严格执行本规程。
A.运维人员 B.检修人员 C.施工人员 D.所有人员 [简答题]简述水中病毒的传播方式。
[单项选择]患者平素体健,三日前突受惊吓,现心悸易惊,坐卧不宁,少寐多梦,舌苔薄白,脉弦。治疗宜用( )
A. 朱砂安神丸 B. 归脾汤 C. 桂枝甘草龙骨牡蛎汤 D. 安神定志丸加琥珀 [多选题]学生票可享受( )、( )和( )的优惠。
A.硬座车票 B.硬座客票 C.加快票 D.空调票 [判断题]万用表测量中需要切换转换开关时,可带电切换。[易]( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]横断面上河底线与水面线之间所包围的面积为过水断面面积。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]某大型机械加工企业2017年事故统计显示,全年发生死亡事故、重伤事故各1例。根据海因里希法则推断,该企业在2017年出现不安全行为的事例约为()。
A.29例 B.58例 C.300例 D.600例 [判断题]特殊情况,车站发车人员无法确认出站(进路)信号时,须向信号机方向走,直到能确认信号后,按规定办理发车。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]They appear ______ their last tour to the island.
A. enjoy B. enjoying C. to have been enjoyed D. to have enjoyed [判断题]排烟机使用时,风量和风压越大排烟效果越好。正压送风时,排烟机(送风管)的出口风速应大于烟气的流动速度;负压抽风时,排烟机(抽风管)的进口压力应小于烟气场所的压力。( ) (中)
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]29.张某某对某车站卷材防水层局部龟裂、发脆、腐烂等部位维修时,应铲除已破损防水层,并将基层( )。
A.心脾两虚证 B.心肾不交证 C.胃气不和证 D.胆郁痰扰证 E.以上均非 [单选题] 测定近距离垂直向隐性斜视,采用( )。
A.近视力视标 B.近散光盘视标 C.近单列视标 D.近单行视标 [单选题](76337)25K型快速客车车辆内部结构和设备具有良好的( )性能。 [323210611](1.0分)
A.阻燃防火 B.通风采暖 C.防热抗寒 D.舒适 [单选题]范妈妈,年过八旬,因天冷使用热水袋保暖,使用半小时后照护人员小徐发现老人局部皮肤被烫伤,其发生最主要的原因是( )
A.血管对热反应敏感 B.皮肤老化而感觉迟钝 C.皮肤抵抗力低 D. 机体老化,耐热性降低 E.皮肤对热反应敏感 [名词解释]姜子牙(姜尚)
A.糖尿病自主神经病变 B.糖尿病合并泌尿系感染 C.糖尿病合并慢性前列腺炎 D.糖尿病肾病 E.糖尿病合并泌尿系结石 [多项选择]按审核委托方分类可将审核分为______。
A. 第一方审核 B. 第二方审核 C. 第三方审核 D. 外部审核 E. 多方审核 我来回答: 提交