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发布时间:2024-03-17 23:37:50

[单项选择]  The Headland Hypothesis argues that foraging or non-agricultural tribes have been unable to collect adequate carbohydrates in the rain forest due to its lack of starch producing species, and were thus forced to develop trade relationships with agriculturalists. This hypothesis has been shown to rest on impossibly idealized conceptions of virgin rain forest, forager behavior and history, such that one may argue something diametrically different: millennia of trade relationships with agricultural peoples have led to changes in forager behaviors and in the composition of the forests they inhabit. Supposing that humans modify their environments in ways that are generally favorable toward their continued survival, it follows that an increased reliance on agriculturalists for carbohydrates might lead to the gradual disappearance of rain forest starches. Horticulturalists are likely to dedicate the majority of their efforts toward staple starch crops such as rice or wheat, which in some env
A. Rain forests have always possessed insufficient quantities of carbohydrate-rich resources to support foragers without the aid of agriculturalists.
B. The difficulty of raising carbohydrate-rich plant species in certain areas of the rain forest may have led to the arrest of those species’’ co-evolution.
C. Trade relationships between agriculturalists and foragers may have been the cause of the disappearance of certain carbohydrate-rich plant species, not vice-versa.
D. Foragers may have been willing to trade carbohydrate-rich plants in exchange for the more nutritious food products of agriculturalists.
E. Environmental changes in rain forest composition may have led to the loss of certain foraging techniques.

更多"  The Headland Hypothesis argues th"的相关试题:

[单项选择]  The Headland Hypothesis argues that foraging or non-agricultural tribes have been unable to collect adequate carbohydrates in the rain forest due to its lack of starch producing species, and were thus forced to develop trade relationships with agriculturalists. This hypothesis has been shown to rest on impossibly idealized conceptions of virgin rain forest, forager behavior and history, such that one may argue something diametrically different: millennia of trade relationships with agricultural peoples have led to changes in forager behaviors and in the composition of the forests they inhabit. Supposing that humans modify their environments in ways that are generally favorable toward their continued survival, it follows that an increased reliance on agriculturalists for carbohydrates might lead to the gradual disappearance of rain forest starches. Horticulturalists are likely to dedicate the majority of their efforts toward staple starch crops such as rice or wheat, which in some env
A. how anthropologists ought to explain the origins of the trade relationship between foragers and agriculturalists
B. why it is difficult to measure the amount of time necessary for the disappearance of carbohydrate-rich plant species in the rain forest
C. why a particular account of the unavailability of carbohydrates to rain forest foragers is inaccurate
D. what ought to be included in any account of the effects of forager peoples on rain forest ecology
E. what data are most relevant for an accurate account of the relations between rain forest foragers and agriculturalists
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[单项选择]The pharmaceutical industry argues that because new drugs will not be developed unless heavy development costs can be recouped in later sales, the current 20 years of protection provided by patents should be extended in the case of newly developed drugs. However, in other industries newproduct development continues despite high development costs, a fact that indicates that the extension is unnecessary. Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the pharmaceutical industry’s argument against the challenge made above
A. No industries other than the pharmaceutical industry have asked for an extension of the 20-year limit on patent protection.
B. Clinical trials of new drugs, which occur after the patent is granted and before the new drug can be marketed, often now take as long as 10 years to complete.
C. There are several industries in which the ratio of research and development costs to revenues is higher titan it is in the pharmaceutical industry.
D. An existing patent for a drug does not legally prevent pharmaceutical companies from bringing to market alternative drugs, provided they are sufficiently dissimilar to the patented drug.
E. (E) Much recent industrial innovation has occurred in products—for example, in the computer and electronics industries—for which patent protection is often very ineffective.
[单项选择]The efficient market hypothesis implies that fundamental analysis:()
A. is inferior to technical analysis because fundamental analysis is not timely. 
B. requires the analysis to predict movements in relevant variables that affect rates of return. 
C. will be successful if transaction costs are minimized by focusing on a limited number of large-capitalization stock
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[简答题]中度干扰理论(intermediate disturbance hypothesis)


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