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发布时间:2023-11-01 00:39:51

[单项选择]Opinion polls suggest that the approval rate of the president is on the increase.( )
A. agreement
B. consensus
C. permission
D. support

更多"Opinion polls suggest that the appr"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Opinion polls suggest that the approval rate of the president is on the increase. ()
A. agreement 
B. consensus 
C. permission  
D. support
[单项选择]Opinion polls suggest that the left-wing coalition will be () in the forthcoming elections.
A. presumed
B. massacred
C. eradicated
[填空题]New insights into the origin of species suggest that biologists disagree less than they thought they did.

[填空题]At the household level, personal saving rate in the U.S. is ______.
[单项选择]Passage Two
A. To maintain a high heart rate for the longest duration.
B. To reach and maintain your target heart rate for the entire exercise.
C. To burn calories as efficiently as possible.
D. To maximize your heart rate and get rid of extra fat.
[单项选择]How does the man suggest that the woman pay for the book
A. Not by check.
B. By credit card.
C. Immediately.
D. In cash.
[单项选择]What does the man suggest [A] He suggests that the woman take a bus. [B] He suggests that the woman take a taxi. [C] He suggests that the woman walk home.
High Dropout Rate in US

Many young people in the United States never finish high school. Exactly how many dropouts is another issue. Recent studies of dropout rates have had conflicting results. For one thing, schools define and measure their dropout rates differently. Some researchers say about fifteen to twenty percent of public school students do not complete their education. But many other experts and policymakers believe that for the past twenty years, the dropout rate has been around thirty percent. For Latino and black students, the numbers are even higher. Researchers say almost half of them leave school.
At the Baltic time, almost half the states let students leave school before the age of eighteen without informing their parents. Finding a good job without a hilgh school education is more and more difficult. A Northeastern University study in 2002 found that almost half of all dropouts aged sixteen to twenty-four did no
[单项选择]A stock’s abnormal rate of return is defined as the:()
A. expected risk-adjusted rate of return minus the market rate of return.
B. actual rate of return less the expected risk-adjusted rate of return.
C. the market rate of return less the actual rate of return.
[单项选择]Employment Situation
Opinion polls are now beginning to show that, whoever is to blame and whatever happens from now on, high unemployment is probably here to say. This means we shall have to find ways of sharing the available employment more widely.
But we need to go further. We must ask some fundamental questions about the future work. Should we continue to treat employment as the norm Should we not rather encourage many ways for self-respecting people to work Should we not create conditions in which many of us can work for ourselves, rather than for an employer Should we not aim to revive the household and the neighborhood, as well as the factory and the office, as centers of production and work The industrial age has been the only period of human history in which most people’s work has taken the form of jobs. The industrial age may now be coming to an end, and some of the changes in work patterns which it brought may have to be reversed. This seems a daunting thoug
A. The enclosures of the 17th and 18th centuries.
B. The development of factories.
C. Relief from housework on the part of women.
D. Development of modern means of transportation.


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