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发布时间:2024-07-25 03:02:42

[填空题]American girls are little oases of pretty unreasonableness in a vast desert of

更多"American girls are little oases of "的相关试题:

[单项选择]"Look at those pretty girls’ skirts" is ______, because it is not clear whether the girls or the skirts are "pretty".
A. ambiguous
B. hidden
C. indirect
D. indistinct
[简答题]It is outrageously unfair that these little girls ______ (被剥夺了受义务教育的权利).

[单项选择]The little girls were (commended) for their wonderful dance presentation.
A. pleased
B. respected
C. praised
D. recommended
[单项选择]It is easy to see why many little girls prefer to ______ with the male role, but the girl who does find the male role more attractive is faced with a dilemma.
A. beautify
B. modify
C. identify
D. justify
[填空题]活用所给动词完成句子。Little girls ______ up faster than boys. (grow)
[填空题]American girls who are pretty and charming usually get married early and enjoy a happy life.

[简答题]To our surprise,the pretty little girl________________ (始终助人为乐).
A. 疝内容物为部分肠壁
B. 疝内容物为小肠憩室
C. 疝内容物为单个小肠肠管
D. 疝内容物为大网膜
E. 疝内容物为多个小肠肠襻
[单项选择]The two girls look alike.
A. beautiful
B. similar
C. pretty
D. attractive

Pretty Good
When Spanish football club Barcelona paid US$35 million for Ronaldinho last summer, they weren’t buying a pretty face. "I am (51) ," admits the Brazilian superstar (超级明星). "But everyone has got a different kind of beauty. What I (52) have is charm."
Indeed he has. His buck teeth (龅牙), flowing hair, big smile, and of course his (53) skills are always eye-catching on the pitch. The 23-year-old striker (中锋) scored two goals in a 3-2 win over Deportivo La Coruna on March 1. It was Barcelona’s sixth win in a row and, thanks to their Brazilian’s 10-goal contribution, (54) looked like a poor season could now end a success.
Ronaldinho - full name Ronaldo De Assis Moreira - is one of many South Americans who learned their skills playing in the backstreets before (55) them off on the world stage.
Great things were (56) when Gremio signed him as a seven-year-old
A. move
B. run
C. pass
D. throw

[单项选择] Conventional wisdom about conflict seems pretty much cut and dried. Too little conflict breeds apathy and stagnation. Too much conflict leads to divisiveness and hostility. Moderate levels of conflict, however, can spark creativity and motivate people in a healthy and competitive way. Recent research by Professor Charles R. Schwenk, however, suggests that the optimal level of conflict may be more complex to determine than these simple generalizations. He studied perceptions of conflict among a sample of executives. Some of the executives worked for profit-seeking organizations and other for not-for-profit organizations. Somewhat surprisingly, Schwenk found that opinions about conflict varied systematically as a function of the type of organization. Specifically, managers in not-for-profit organizations strongly believed that conflict was beneficial to their organizations and that it promoted higher quality decision-making than might be achieved in the absence of conflict.
A. find it easier to reach agreement
B. seem to be difficult to satisfy
C. are less effective in making decisions
D. are free to express diverse opinions


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