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发布时间:2023-10-12 14:01:03

[填空题]The Americans who acquire their political education immediately they get the fight to vote at the age of 21 are __________________ in the world.

更多"The Americans who acquire their pol"的相关试题:

[填空题]Many young Americans who have traveled abroad dislike traditional food more and more, so they only try exotic food.

[填空题]Although most people who acquire West Nile have no________and those who do normally suffer little more than flu-like illness, it is believed they still can carry________amounts of the virus in their blood for several days.
A. A.recourse … negligible
B.symptoms … minute
C.cure … significant
D.fever … active
E.hope … incipient

[单项选择]Americans who consider themselves ( ) in the traditional sense do not usually hesitate to heap criticism in domestic matters over what they believe is oppressive or wasteful.
A. pedestrian
B. penchant
C. patriotic
D. patriarch
[填空题]Japanese-Americans who live in strongly Japanese neighborhoods and have mainly Japanese friends tend to live longer than those who do not.

[单项选择]The generation of Americans who are now (in 1989) young adults has been, as odd as it sounds, deprived of the adversity that has been so valuable in shaping the American character.
The First and Second World Wars, Korea, Vietnam, the depression, the civil rights movement, and the assassinations during the 1960s were traumatic experiences that tested the nation’s mettle and proved that we as a people, joined together, could meet the stiffest of challenges. Those tests, which ultimately gave us such great confidence, have been crucial to shaping every American generation this century.
Until now, Americans in their late teens to early thirties--a group that accounts for a hefty 25 percent of the American population--are the first of this century to mature in a world where the elusive American ideal of simultaneous peace and prosperity is, for very many of them, at long last a reality. These young men and women were spared the brunt of the Cold War, of Vietnam, and of the domesti
[填空题]Who gave dairy products to the native Americans

If you’re among the 24 million Americans who work from dusk to dawn, don’t underestimate the physical and emotional costs of punching the clock in the dark.
Compared with day workers, night workers are five times more likely to get stomach diseases, twice as likely to smoke cigarettes or use stimulants, and at higher risk for high blood pressure, heart. attack, and breast cancer. And if you have kids, your divorce risk is three to six times higher than normal.
"You’re out of sync with everything and everybody," says Acacia Aguirre, MD, PhD, author of an eye-opening new report. Your biological clock is thrown off, too. How to survive: "A healthy lifestyle matters even more," Aguirre says. "Exercise, limit coffee, and fit in 7 to 8 hours of sleep per day./

What does it mean by "punching the clock" (Line 2, Para.1)( ).
A. Working.
B. Striking.
C. Repairing.
D. Sleeping.
[简答题]It’s a safe bet that the millions of Americans who have recently changed their minds about global warming--deciding it isn’t happening, or isn’t due to human activities such as burning coal and oil, or isn’t a serious threat--didn’t just spend an intense few days poring over climate-change studies and decide, holy cow, the discrimination of continuous equations in general circulation models is completely wrong! Instead, the backlash (an 18-point rise since 2006 in the percentage who say the risk of climate change is exaggerated, Gallup found this month) has been stoked by scientists’ abysmal communication skills, plus some peculiarly American attitudes, both brought into play now by how critics have spun the "Climategate" e-mails to make it seem as if scientists have pulled a fast one.
Scientists are lousy communicators. They appeal to people’s heads, not their hearts or guts, argues Randy Olson, who left a professorship in marine biology to make science films. "Scientists thin
[单项选择]Americans who consider themselves ______ in the traditional sense do not usually hesitate to heap criticism in domestic matters over what they believe is oppressive or wasteful.
A. pedestrian
B. penchant
C. patriarch
D. patriotic


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