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发布时间:2024-02-29 04:34:06


Conversation 2
[听力原文] 8-10
M: Tell me about yourself and your past experience.
W: (8)I have worked as an executive secretary for 5 years, (10)first for a trading company, then a trust company.
M: How fast can you type
W: (9)I can type 100 Chinese words per minute and 150 English words a minute.
M: Can you operate computers skillfully
W: Yes, I can. I have received some special training in computers. Besides I am good at operating common office machines like fax.
M: Sometimes we are very busy and need to work overtime. How do you feel about that
W: Could you tell me how often and how many hours I should work overtime
M: It just depends. If we have important visiting delegations, you have to stay with us. It’s not unusual.
W: That’s all right.

How long has the woman worked()
A. 15.
B. 10.
C. 5.
D. 2.

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Conversation 2
[听力原文] 8-10
M: Tell me about yourself and your past experience.
W: (8)I have worked as an executive secretary for 5 years, (10)first for a trading company, then a trust company.
M: How fast can you type
W: (9)I can type 100 Chinese words per minute and 150 English words a minute.
M: Can you operate computers skillfully
W: Yes, I can. I have received some special training in computers. Besides I am good at operating common office machines like fax.
M: Sometimes we are very busy and need to work overtime. How do you feel about that
W: Could you tell me how often and how many hours I should work overtime
M: It just depends. If we have important visiting delegations, you have to stay with us. It’s not unusual.
W: That’s all right.

What kind of skills does the woman not have()
A. Operating computers.
B. Doing business.
C. Operating fax machines.
D. Typin

Conversation 2
M: Tell me about yourself and your past experience.
W: (8)I have worked as an executive secretary for 5 years, (10)first for a trading company, then a trust company.
M: How fast can you type
W: (9)I can type 100 Chinese words per minute and 150 English words a minute.
M: Can you operate computers skillfully
W: Yes, I can. I have received some special training in computers. Besides I am good at operating common office machines like fax.
M: Sometimes we are very busy and need to work overtime. How do you feel about that
W: Could you tell me how often and how many hours I should work overtime
M: It just depends. If we have important visiting delegations, you have to stay with us. It’s not unusual.
W: That’s all right.

How long has the woman worked ()
A. 15. 
B. 10. 
C. 5. 
D. 2.

M: Excuse me, cart you tell me where the bookstore is
W: Yes. They are just down this street on the left side.

What does the man want to do()
A. Make a call.
B. Have a rest.
C. Buy a book.
D. Look for something.

Woman: Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest post office is
Man: Yes, it’s on High Street. As a matter of fact, I’m going in the same direction myself, so if you come with me, I’ll show you.

What does the man mean ()
A. He will give her the direction.
B. He is inviting her to follow him.
C. He doesn’t know how to get there.
D. He’s too busy to tell her anythin

M: Excuse me, can you tell me if this bus goes to Victoria Station
W: No, I am afraid I can’t. I’ve only been here for a few days myself.

Why can’t the woman give the man directions()
A. She is afraid of the place.
B. She has never heard of the place.
C. She has never taken the bus before.
D. She is not familiar with the plac

M: Excuse me, can you tell me where the bookstore is
W: Yes. They are just down this street on the left side.

What does the man want to do ()
A. Make a call.
B. Have a rest.
C. Buy a book.
D. Look for something.

[听力原文] M: Excuse me, can you tell me the gate for the flight to Paris W: Do you have the flight number

Where does the conversation happen ()
A. At a post office.
B. In a classroom.
C. At an airport.
D. At a bank.

M: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the library
W: Sorry, I am a stranger here. There is a policeman across the street. Why don’t you ask him

What does the woman mean ()
A. She is not in the city.
B. She is not able to help.
C. She is a policeman.
D. She is a resident of this city.

M: Excuse me, can you tell me the gate for the flight to Paris
W: Do you have the flight number

Where does the conversation happen()
A. At a post office.
B. In a classroom.
C. At an airport.
D. At a bank.

W: Excuse me, Sir. Can you tell me how to get to the National Bank
M: Yes, go straight on for a few minutes and turn left at the crossing, and you’ll find it at the end of the street.

What is the probable relationship between the two speakers ()
A. Manager and secretary.
B. Teacher and student.
C. Waiter and customer.
D. Police and passer- by.

W: Please tell me the time that suits you for us to set up the tour.
M: Tuesday next week will be best for me, if that’s possible.

When will the tour begin()
A. This Tuesday.
B. Next Tuesday.
C. Next week.
D. It is not mentione

M: Could you tell me when the next train leaves for Taiyuan
W: The next train leaves in ten minutes. If you run, you might just catch it.

What will the man probably do()
A. Catch the thief.
B. Hurry to get on the train.
C. Wait for another train.
D. Fix his torn sleeve.

W: Can you tell me where the post office is
M: I’m on my way. there myself. I’ll show you the way.

Where is the woman going ()
A. To the post office.
B. To a fashion show.
C. To a shopping center,
D. To her office nearby.

W: Could you please tell me if flight 858 from San Francisco will be on time
M: Yes. Madam. It should be arriving in about ten minutes.

Whom do you think the woman is talking to()
A. A clerk at the airport information desk.
B. A clerk at the railway station information.
C. A policeman.
D. A taxi driver.

W: Could you please tell me which stop I should get off for the Grand Hotel and how much is the fare
M: Of course. You can get off at the 14th street and walk for two blocks. I’ll tell you when we’re there. The fare is 50 cents.

What is the probable relationship between the two speakers()
A. Customer and merchant.
B. Doctor and patient.
C. Passenger and taxi driver.
D. Passenger and bus conductor.


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