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发布时间:2024-08-25 00:04:23

[单项选择]Computer hardware engineers research, design, develop, and test computer hardware and supervise its manufacture and (72) . Hardware refers to computer (73) , circuit boards, computer systems, and related equipment such as keyboards, modems, and printers.

A. chips
B. frame
C. structure
D. cell

更多"Computer hardware engineers researc"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Computer hardware engineers research, design, develop, and test computer hardware and supervise its manufacture and (72) . Hardware refers to computer (73) , circuit boards, computer systems, and related equipment such as keyboards, modems, and printers.

A. fixing
B. building
C. setting
D. installation
[填空题]A a market research agency
B an office design service
C a translation service
D a delivery service
E an IT consultancy
F an advertising agency
G a commercial property agency
H a recruitment agency______
[填空题]{{B}}DESIGN PHASE  Stage A Refer to research and design a hat 35.............................  Stage B Hake a small-scale 36 .............................hat Coastraints  · material: paper  · colours:37.............................  · glue: must not show{{/B}}......
The Importance of Agriculture in China

The development of agriculture and the balance between food and population are China’s fundamental economic problems. The classical histories praise emperors for devotion to agriculture and much of China’s modern history is (46) , which has been growing steadily.
Today, although agriculture accounts for only a quarter of the Gross National Product, it is still the main determinant of the standard of living and the principal occupation of at least 70 percent of the population.
Agriculture also (47) because industry needs both agricultural raw materials and food for its work force. The failure of agriculture to supply raw materials and food halted and later reversed the industrial progress of the 1950’s. After 1960 new emphasis was placed on agriculture, and the slogan "Agriculture is the foundation of the economy" has remained a central Chinese economic policy ever

Although there had been various small cameras developed, it was not until George Eastman introduced the Kodak in 1888 that the mass appeal of photography attracted America and Europe and thereafter spread quickly to the far corners of the earth. Eastman called his new famous camera the Kodak for no particular reason except that he liked the word. It was easy to remember and could be pronounced in any language.
An immediate consequence of Eastman’s invention was a blizzard of amateur photographs that soon became known as snapshots. The word came from hunters’ jargon. When a hunter fired a gun from the hip, without taking careful aim, it was described as a snapshot. Photographers referred to the process of taking pictures as shooting, and they would take pride in a good day’s shoot the way country gentlemen would boast about the number of birds brought down in an afternoon.
Photography became not only easy but fun because of the Kodak. Almost overn
A. A new folk art came into existence.
B. Enjoying pictures became a popular hobby.
C. The number of professional photographers increased quickly.
D. Camera clubs and associations flourished.


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