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发布时间:2024-06-07 19:46:11

[单项选择]Bill () Russia for two years.
A. has left
B. left
C. has been away from

更多"Bill () Russia for two years."的相关试题:

[单项选择]Bill ______ Russia for two years.
A. has left
B. left
C. has been away from
[单项选择]Bill Gates and Walt Disney are two people America has ______ to be the Greatest American.
A. nominated
B. nicknamed
C. appointed
D. appeased

But two hurdles stand in the way of Russia’s realizing its space dreams: a collapsing public-education system and a brain drain that for decades has been siphoning off the country’s highly trained engineers as they move to better-paying jobs in the West.()

A. obstacles
B. prophecies
C. hassles
D. outcomes
[单项选择]{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}}
Most of Russia’s super-rich spend their summer holidays on yachts in the sunny Mediterranean. Boris Fyodorov preferred visiting English country churches; the older, the better. The buildings, and especially the gravestones, fascinated him. He saw in them symbols of an historical continuity that Russia had lost under communism.
Born in poverty as a factory caretaker’s son, he delighted in malting discoveries among his roots: trinkets(小装饰品) found at his family’s ruined estate, a Polish coat of arms. His house outside Moscow was notable not for pet wolves or other fashionable extravagances, but for his brave attempts to create a weedless, stripy English lawn in a hostile climate. He flew a Russian flag there too, scandalizing the neighbors, who insisted he needed a permit.
It was not a great success. Like several othe
A. Spending a summer holiday in the sunny Mediterranean.
B. Visiting some places that symbolize the continuity of history.
C. Viewing magnificent buildings with fashionable extravagances.
D. Visiting English country churches of modern flavor.
[判断题]A usance bill is a bill payable immediately.
[单项选择]Why was Bill unhappy about the gameWhy was Bill unhappy about the game
A. Some players played poorly.
B. The scores were too close.
C. It lasted too long.
[填空题]What did Bill advise Tom to do Bill advised Tom not to ______.

Alice: Where have you been these days
Bill: In the hospital.
Alice: In the hospital (51)
Bill: Didn’t you know that our room caught fire last Sunday evening
Alice: Oh, really (52) . But what caused the fire
Bill: Well, the light in our room was turned off at 10:30 as usual. John lit a candle (53) . Unluckily he fell asleep with the candle still burning beside him. (54) .
Alice: Oh, my God! How was John
Bill: He was badly burnt (55) .
Alice: Was he the only one burnt
Bill: No. There were two more, including me.


A. government bill
B. to pass a bill
C. to enact a law
D. law enforcement
E. to come into force
F. clause
O. legal incapacity
H. constitutional law
I. canon law
J. administrative law
K. commercial law
L. international law
M. Civil Suit Law
N. Copyright Law
O. penal code
P. code of mercantile law
Q. civil rights
R. human rights, rights of man
S. (customs) duties
T. death duty



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