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发布时间:2024-08-29 21:00:10

[填空题]Like words and gesture, silence serves important communication functions. Silence allows the speaker time to think, time to (36) and organize his or her verbal communications. Before messages of intense conflict and those confessing (37) love, there is often silence. Some people use silence as a weapon to hurt others. After a conflict, for example, one or both individuals might remain silent as a kind of (38) . Silence used to hurt others may also take the form of refusing to (39) the presence of another person as in (40) . Silence is a dramatic demonstration of the total (41) one person feels toward the other. Silence may be used to prevent communication of certain messages. In conflict situations, silence is sometimes used to prevent certain topics from (42) Iand to prevent one or both parties from saying things they may later regret. In such situations,silence often allows us time to cool off before expressing hatred,

更多"Like words and gesture, silence ser"的相关试题:

[填空题]Like words and gesture, silence serves important communication functions. Silence allows the speaker time to think, time to (36) and organize his or her verbal communications. Before messages of intense conflict and those confessing (37) love, there is often silence. Some people use silence as a weapon to hurt others. After a conflict, for example, one or both individuals might remain silent as a kind of (38) . Silence used to hurt others may also take the form of refusing to (39) the presence of another person as in (40) . Silence is a dramatic demonstration of the total (41) one person feels toward the other. Silence may be used to prevent communication of certain messages. In conflict situations, silence is sometimes used to prevent certain topics from (42) Iand to prevent one or both parties from saying things they may later regret. In such situations,silence often allows us time to cool off before expressing hatred,
[简答题]In words like "unthinkable", the suffix "able" means more than "able to be X-ed". Think of TWO more words of this type.
[单项选择]Art, like words, is a form of communication. Words, spoken and written, render accessible to humans of the latest generations all the knowledge discovered by the experience and reflection, both of preceding generations and of the best and foremost minds of their own times. Art renders accessible to people of the latest generations all the feelings experienced by their predecessors, and those already felt by their best and foremost contemporaries. Just as the evolution of knowledge proceeds by dislodging and replacing that which is mistaken, so to the evolution of feeling proceeds through art. Feelings less kind and less necessary for the well-being of humankind are replaced by others kinder and more essential to that end. This is the purpose of art, and the more art fulfills that purpose the better the art; the less it fulfills it, the worse the art.The author develops the passage primarily by______.
A. theory and refutation
B. example and generalization
C. comparison and contrast
D. inference and deduction
[填空题]Common people used words as they like.

A number of foreign words still look like foreign words; these are often expressions which were originally used by people who wanted to sound particularly well educated. (61) It was the desire to be scholarly that brought about a wave of Latin terms which appeared in the 16th century when the Humanist movement brought new impetus to learning throughout Europe. Abbreviations such as e.g. (from the Latin meaning a voluntary example); PS (meaning "added after the letter has been written); a.m. and p.m. (meaning "before noon" and "after noon") came into the language at this time. 62) Nowadays they are so common that most people don’t even know what the letters actually stand for, and there’s certainly nothing learned about using them today!
In addition to the words brought to English by foreigners, there are plenty of words which the British have collected from the countries they have settled in all over the world. 63) The


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