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发布时间:2024-01-09 20:50:57

[单项选择]Food was short: his vegetable garden became less a hobby than a necessity.
A. Due to lack of food, it was necessary for him to plant vegetables.
B. He used to plant vegetables as a hobby. Now because of lack of food, it became his necessary labor.
C. Planting vegetables was not his hobby, but he had to work in his garden.
D. Without enough food, he had to plant vegetables in his garden.

更多"Food was short: his vegetable garde"的相关试题:


At 21, Ricardo Semler became boss of his father’s business in Brazil, Semco, which sold parts for ships. Semler Junior worked like a madman, from 7:30 am, until midnight every day. One afternoon, while touring a factory in New York, he collapsed. The doctor who treated him said, "There’s nothing wrong with you. But if you continue like this, you’ll find a new home in our hospital." Semler got the message. He changed the way he worked. In fact, he changed the ways his employees worked too.
He let his workers take more responsibility so that they would be the ones worrying when things went wrong. He allowed them to set their own salaries, and he cut all the jobs he thought were unnecessary, like receptionists and secretaries. (46) . "Everyone at Semco, even top managers, meets guests in reception, does the photocopying, sends faxes, types letters and dials the phone."
He completely reorganized the office: in
[单项选择]He became aware that he had lost his audience since he had not been able to talk ______ around one topic.
A. coherently
B. initiatively
C. flexibly
D. pointedly
[单项选择]How many people became ill after they ate the food()
A. 500.
B. 450.
C. 515.
D. 550.
[单项选择]Being short of food and fuel, we are _________ with a very difficult situation.
A. handled
B. made
C. faced
D. encouraged
[单项选择]Benjamin Franklin, tactless in his youth, became so diplomatic, so ______ at handling people that he was made American Ambassador to France.
A. adroit
B. shrewd
C. considerate
D. foxy
[单项选择]His business prospered and he became a person of means. Yet, despite his great riches, he gave no arms to the needy and no thanks to his benefactors whose savings () to his welfare.
A. had contributed
B. contributed
C. were contributed
D. did contribute
[单项选择]( ) his reply, Mary became very angry and decided to write again.
A. Not having received
B. Having not received
C. Not received
D. Received not
[单项选择]A notably short man, he plays basketball with his staff several times a week.
A. practically
B. considerably
C. remarkably
D. fairly
[单项选择]A. They became more popular.
C. They grew less honest.
B. They were more regulated.
D. They became better produced.
[填空题](Follow)()his brother, John became an engineer after he finished college.
[填空题](Follow) ()his brother, John became an engineer after he finished college.
[单项选择]When the news of his()with the enemy became known, he was hanged in effigy.
A. involement
B. conversations
C. collusion
D. complacency
[单项选择]The son wanted to take less money()put his parents to the trouble of fetching more.
A. to
B. rather
C. than
D. rather than


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