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发布时间:2024-07-02 01:46:34

[单项选择]When it comes to schooling, the Herrera boys are no match for the Herrera girls. Last week, four years after she arrived from Honduras, Martha, 20, graduated from Fairfax High School in Los Angeles. She managed decent grades while working 36 hours a week at a Kentucky Fried Chicken. Her sister, Marlin, 22, attends a local community college and will soon be a certified nurse assistant. The brothers are a different story. Oscar, 17, was expelled two years ago from Fairfax for carrying a knife and later dropped out of a different school. The youngest, Jonathan, 15, is now in a juvenile boot camp after running into trouble with the law. "The boys get sidetracked more," says the kids’ mother, Suyapa Landaverde. "The girls are more confident. "
This is no aberration. Immigrant girls consistently outperform boys, according to the preliminary findings of a just-completed, five-year study of immigrant children -the largest of its kind, including Latino, Chinese and Haitian kids-by Marcelo
A. they work as a translator for their parents.
B. they help their parents have a better understanding of the foreign culture.
C. they encourage their parents to go into the outside world.
D. their parents help them realize their dream of becoming an ambassador.

更多"When it comes to schooling, the Her"的相关试题:

[单项选择]When it comes to schooling, the Herrera boys are no match for the Herrera girls. Last week, four years after she arrived from Honduras, Martha, 20, graduated from Fairfax High School in Los Angeles. She managed decent grades while working 36 hours a week at a Kentucky Fried Chicken. Her sister, Marlin, 22, attends a local community college and will soon be a certified nurse assistant. The brothers are a different story. Oscar, 17, was expelled two years ago from Fairfax for carrying a knife and later dropped out of a different school. The youngest, Jonathan, 15, is now in a juvenile boot camp after running into trouble with the law. "The boys get sidetracked more," says the kids’ mother, Suyapa Landaverde. "The girls are more confident. "
This is no aberration. Immigrant girls consistently outperform boys, according to the preliminary findings of a just-completed, five-year study of immigrant children -the largest of its kind, including Latino, Chinese and Haitian kids-by Marcelo
A. posing a contrast.
B. justifying an assumption.
C. making a comparison,
D. explaining a phenomenon.
[填空题]Burnout comes when the reality of life is less than our expectations. And it has become a common psychological problem. School teachers and full-time housewives with children at home are among the (1) ______ groups likely to suffer (1) ______ from burnout. The symptoms of the condition were first noticed among human service agency workers but the condition affects (2) ______ to a degree. (2) ______ The symptoms of burnout can be divided into three stages. First is confusion. The worker may sometimes have a cold or chronic (3) ______. He may seem to lose his sense (3) ______ of humor and many things running through his mind (4) ______ in a discussion. Cocoon phenomenon begins (4) ______ in the stage of (5) ______ burnout which is characterized (5) ______ by more illness and absent. In that stage workers may have gray faces from 3 p.m. in the office until five accompanying a lot of (6) _
[简答题]There comes a point when the quality of life can no longer be improved because of the high population density(密度)and the largely unsuccessful attempts to meet its demands.
[单项选择] Then felt like some watcher of the skies
When a new planet swims into his ken,
Or like stout Cortez, when with eagle eyes
He stared at the Pacific--and all his men
Looked at each other with a wild surmise--
Silent, upon a peak in Darien.

With these well loved lines John Keats recognized the most important geographical event in all the world, excepting only the feat of the Admiral Columbus himself. It was the discovery by European men of a vast sheet of water covering nearly 40 per cent of the globe--the ocean later to be named Pacific by Ferdinand Magellan because of its seeming tranquility. It is too bad that Keats’ beautiful lines erred in naming stout Cortez instead of the equally stout Balboa, a hero of much courage and perseverance.
Too bad it was, too, for the immortal Vasco Nunez de Balboa, that communications in his day were so slow and uncertain. Had they been better he might well have av
A. is the largest ocean in the world
B. is placid
C. was first seen by man when Balboa looked at it
D. was seen by Columbus


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