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发布时间:2023-10-20 12:11:26


Should there be two focuses available in Chinese high schools (humanity focus and science focus) Please give specific reasons to support your argument.

更多"TOPIC Should there be two focuses "的相关试题:


In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organisation, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.
[填空题]When should invitations be issued
Between two or three weeks()lime.
[简答题]Topic: People can recognize differences between children and adults. Can you simply say that college students are adults What events(experiences or ceremonies)make a person an adult Your composition should be no less than 500 words. And please write your composition on the Answer Sheet.
[填空题]The company should be broken up into two entities, one to develop operating system,______(另外一个促进)software applications.

[简答题]Topic. Should the National Museum hold trademark shows
Questions for Reference:
1. What do you think should be the major mission of the National Museum of China
2. Do you agree with the view that showing a commercial brand in our national museum is a humiliation to Chinese culture Why or why not
3. Some people hold that the showing of a luxury brand can be a perfect combination of art and business, and it will make the museum more lively, modern and inclusive. What is your comment

[多项选择]Passenger with two bags should report to the counter
[单项选择]Conversation Two

What is the main topic between the man and the woman A. The comparison in costs of living between different countries. B. The advantages and disadvantages of working in different places. C. Where to spend their forthcoming holidays.
[简答题]Sample Topic 7 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. You have had a bank account for a few years. Recently you received a letter from the bank stating that your account is $240 overdrawn and that you will be charged $70 which will be taken directly from your account. You know that this information is incorrect. Write a letter to the bank. Explain what has happened and say what you would like them to do about it. You should write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write your own address. Begin your letter as follows: Dear Sir,
[单项选择]In place of the king, two chief executives were chosen annually by the whole body of citizens. These were known as praetors, or leaders, but later received the title of consuls. The participation of a colleague in the exercise of supreme power and the limitation of the tenure to one year prevented the chief magistrate from becoming autocratic. The character of the Senate was altered by the enrollment of plebeian members, known as conscripti, and hence the official designation of the senators thereafter was patres conscripti (conscript fathers). As yet, only patricians were eligible for the magistracies, and the discontent of the plebs led to a violent struggle between the two orders and the gradual removal of the social and political disabilities under which the plebs had labored.
In 494 BC a secession of plebeian soldiers led to the institution of the tribuni plebis, who were elected annually as protectors of the plebs; they had the power to veto the acts of patrician magistrates
A. It was difficult for the chief magistrate to become a dictator
B. Any Roman had the chance to become the magistrate
C. The plebs couldn’t hold the post of magistrate
D. Magistrate’s power was limited


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