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发布时间:2024-05-29 18:56:56


Our trouble lies in a simple confusion, one to which economists have been prone since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Growth and ecology operate by different rules. Economists tend to assume that every problem of scarcity can be solved by substitution, by replacing tuna with tilapia, without factoring in the long-term environmental implications of either. But whereas economies might expand, ecosystems do not. They change--pine gives way to oak, coyotes arrive in New England--and they reproduce themselves, but they do not increase in extent or abundance year after year. Most economists think of scarcity as a labor problem. Imagining that only energy and technology place limits on production. To harvest more wood, build a better chain saw; to pump more oil, drill more wells; to get more food, invent pest-resistant plants.
That logic thrived on new frontiers and more intensive production, and it held off the prophets of scarcity- from Thomas Robert Malthus to Pau
A. emphasize the differences between economic growth and scarcity
B. ignore the human creative and productive power
C. see ecology from an economic perspective
D. use different approaches to economy and ecology

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Our trouble lies in a simple confusion, one to which economists have been prone since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Growth and ecology operate by different rules. Economists tend to assume that every problem of scarcity can be solved by substitution, by replacing tuna with tilapia, without factoring in the long-term environmental implications of either. But whereas economies might expand, ecosystems do not. They change—pine gives way to oak, coyotes arrive in New England—and they reproduce themselves, but they do not increase in extent or abundance year after year. Most economists think of scarcity as a labor problem. Imagining that only energy and technology place limits on production. To harvest more wood, build a better chain saw; to pump more oil, drill more wells; to get more food, invent pest-resistant plants.
That logic thrived on new frontiers and more intensive production, and it held off the prophets of scarcity—from Thomas Robert
A. emphasize the differences between economic growth and scarcity
B. ignore the human creative and productive power
C. see ecology from an economic perspective
D. use different approaches to economy and ecology


Our boasted civilization is but a thin veneer, which cracks and scares off at the first impact of prima1 passions.()

A. creative
B. traditional
C. uncontrollable
D. original
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[单项选择]How One Simple Movement Can Let Slip the Secrets of the Mind Body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all! It is said that our body movements communicate about 50 per cent of what we really mean while words themselves only express 7 per cent. So, while your mouth is closed, just what is your body saying... Alms. (46)______ If you keep your arms to the sides of your body or behind your back, this suggests you are not afraid of taking on whatever comes your way. (47)______ If someone upsets you, just cross your arms to show you’’re unhappy! Head. When you want to appear confident, keep your head level. If you are monitor in class, you cart also take on this position when you want your words to be taken seriously. (48)______ Legs. Your legs tend to move around a lot more than normal when you are nervous or telling lies. If you are at interviews, try to keep them still! Posture. A good posture makes you feel better about yourself. (49)______


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