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发布时间:2024-08-08 07:43:55

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
What does the woman suggest the mail do
A. Spend the whole vacation with her.
B. Head back home for Christmas.
C. Stay in California and learn to ski.
D. Try to become a professional skier.

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Questions are based on the following conversation on transportation in 21st century.
M: Talking about the 21st Century, as far as transportation is concerned, I think there’re going to be huge changes in the way people use cars.They’ll probably have made laws about what kind of car you can own and when you can use it.
W: And I bet it’ll be impossible for people to use cars whenever they like. There’ll be just too many of them on the roads.The air will be so seriously polluted that nobody will be able to breathe normally.
M: Exactly. People will have to rely on other modes of transportation — especially trains.
W: Why do you say that
M: Well, we won’t be able to use caps, and airports take too much space.With the supply of land for airports shrinking around the world, there are going to be fewer airports and fewer plane flights.That leaves trains.
W: Huh. So do you thinkthere will be more efficient
A. The land for airports will be used for other purposes.
B. There are too many people travelling by car.
C. Many people have a fear for air travel.
D. There will be faster way" of travelling than travelling by air.


Conversation 1
Questions 6 and 7 are based on the following conversation.
W: Carl, does your throat hurt
M: Yes.
W: OK. Do you want to get better
M: Yes.
W: OK. We want you to get better, too. You’ll have your tonsils removed tomorrow, and you won’t get so many colds.
M: But if I have my tonsils out tomorrow, I’ll miss my birthday party on Saturday.
W: I know. It’s a problem, isn’t it Let me try to work something out.
M: You’re fooling me.
W: Oh, I’m not, Carl. Give me a chance to think about it. I promise you a surprise.

What’s wrong with Carl()
A. He has a headache.
B. He has a sore throat.
C. He has a stomachache.
D. He has a high fever.

Conversation 2
Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation.
W: Could I possibly ask you to turn down the volume of your TV
M: Turn down the volume9.
W: Yes, if you don’t mind. It’s quite loud. I don’t mean to complain, but you are keeping all the neighbors up.
M: I am
W: Yes, you are.
M: Oh, I had no idea I was bothering people. I’m so sorry.
W: That’s OK.

What did the woman think of the volume of the TV()
A. He kept the TV turned on all the time.
B. He was watching TV at night.
C. The TV volume was too loud.
D. The TV made too much nois


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