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发布时间:2023-10-21 17:40:10

[填空题]It works out to be about ______annual net increase .

更多"It works out to be about ______annu"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The current rate of annual increase in the world population is about_________.
A. 9 million.
B. 5.7 million.
C. 90 million.
D. 20 million.

What’s the average annual increase of foreign student population in the period between 1985 and 1990 in terms of percentage
[填空题]Which department works out the company’s budget

[填空题]Which department works out the company’s costs and its profits
[单项选择]The engineer ______ my father works is about 50 years old.
A. to whom
B. on whom
C. with which
D. with whom
[单项选择]Sharon found out about the vacancy from
A. his colleague
B. a newspaper.
C. an internal memo.

The funny thing about how a bank works is that it functions because of our trust. We give a bank our money to keep it safe for us, and then the bank turns around and gives it to someone else in order to make money for itself. Banks can legally extend considerably more credit than they have cash. Still, most of us have total trust in the bank’s ability to protect our money and give it to us when we ask for it.
Why do we feel better about having our money in a bank than we do having it under a mattress(床垫) Is it just the fact that they pay interest on some of our accounts.’ Is it because we know that if we have the cash in our pockets we’ll spend it Or, is it simply the convenience of being able to write checks and use debit cards(借记卡) rather than carrying cash Any and all of these may be the answer, particularly with the conveniences of electronic banking today. Now, we don’t even have to manually write that check -- we can just swipe(刷卡) a


The majority of people, about nine out of ten, are right-handed. (1) until recently, people who were left-handed were considered (2) , and once children showed this tendency they were forced to use their right hands. Today left-handedness is generally (3) , but it is still a disadvantage in a world (4) most people are right-handed. For example, most tools and implements are still (5) for right-handed people.
In sports (6) contrast, doing things with the left hand or foot, is often an advantage. Throwing, kicking, punching or batting from the " (7) " side may result in throwing (8) many opponents who are more accustomed to dealing with the (9) of players who are right-handed. This is why, in many (10) at a professional level, a (11) proportion of players are left-handed than in the population as a whole.
The word "right" in many languages means "c
A. the
B. any
C. some
D. a


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